Jan Van Der Heyden

And now we have 22 trillion in debt.

That poem has nothing to do with the Statue of Liberty and nothing to do with Emma Lazarus’ day to day life or reality as the wealthy white daughter of a wealthy white man. It sounds nice. Collecting the sick and wretched masses of rejects from the teeming shore sounds like a very nice way to create a community but it

People who tell you it’s ok to defend and apologize for Fredo Cuomo - a very privileged, rich white man - for comparing an Italian being called “Fredo” to a black man or woman being called the N Word are the same delusional people that will tell you Trump is the result of Bernie’s failure to stir up his base for her

I subscribe to the idea that fighting with honor creates only a moral obligation to lose.

The “N Word” for Italians is the N Word. “Fredo” is just a reference to one of the all-time classic Hollywood trilogies The Godfather. Fredo appears in Godfather Part II and he is very much a wimp. No surprise that Chris Cuomo doesn’t like being called Fredo, but to compare it to Cuomo being called the N Word is