Jan the Man

That is exactly my point in what’s really wrong with this mentality. When someone wishes me “May the blessings of the Earth Mother be upon you,” they’re not imposing a custom on me: they’re extending their benevolence in what is customary to themselves. I, personally, am thankful eventhough I do not believe in such an

Well, this is the dumbest article I’ll bother reading today.

Who the hell hired you? There is a laundry list of things wrong with this article. First off it’s not a “life hack” It’s opinionated politics and religion shoved down peoples throats and telling them how they should live their social interaction lifestyles.

Ban the wedding registry. Seriously. With the average age of people getting married slowly getting higher and higher and a majority of women (because that’s who the registry was originally for) have already lived on their own for a number of years anyway, wedding gifts and registries are a fucking joke for all the

I’ve noticed this is one of the big differences between gamers and those who are paid to write about them. Most gamers I know love this big emersive games because we get more bang for our buck as you said and with the insane price of games in msot of the world that is a good thing, while game journalists tend to loath

sucks for you then. The Witcher 2 is fucking awesome.

I’d love if the list could be matched up to the number in the photo so if I really want to see what item #5 is I can just go click on that one and not just guess.

Two major problems.