The Steelers will get the rapist Ben Roethlisberger. Fuck white men and their entitlement.
The Steelers will get the rapist Ben Roethlisberger. Fuck white men and their entitlement.
You can retrieve your child’s torso from the morgue after the coroner has completed the autopsy. The police are working hard on finding a suspect and will contact you if there are any developments.
This is so exciting. I can’t wait to watch this in between posts about how oppressive life is for women.
Yeah. Winning strategies are for losers.
Stop the presses everyone: A boxer punches people. In other news: Water is wet.
Are you calling meat eating ethnic minorities lazy? Sounds racist to me.
Careful. Criticizing vegans has been called racist.
Liberals ruined the country with their false equivalence fallacies. Whining about Trump doesn’t excuse them from staying home on election day. Fuck the liberal hypocrites who didn’t lift a finger to stop Trump, starting with that cunt Colin Kaepernick, the embodiment of millennial slacktivism.
Victoria Beckham is a celebrity so it is important what she says. I also want to be considered as intelligent as a man and in no way am I embarrassed my gender is preoccupied with individuals like Victoria Beckham. Kittens and small children amuse me. Do I look fat in this? Why does he earn more than me?
“Fuck White People”- Steam Engine
Fuck White People.
We should probably welcome global nuclear war considering how immoral we are and don’t yet know without the centuries of hindsight you possess.
The founders would be deeply amused at the illiteracy of self-described educated people.
Queefs in Madison believe that’s the best solution to securing Trans rights. That’s why they supported Jill Stein
Always apologizing for racists. Better be careful or you might be seen as racist yourself.
You’re a pedophile. (see how easy that is?) Why do you have sex with children?
Those examples clearly illustrate the sports fanaticism partisans exemplify. Rooting for your team, booing the opponent, and staying home rather than attending the game. The next time Hillary speaks publically, she should ask for a show of hands from everyone who actually voted. She should then politely ask those who…
You’re not allowed to be offended.
Yeah. It’s so much worse than the in your face ‘fuck white people’ brand of racism the media sanctimoniously feeds the public, Jezebel being a glowing example.
No, you won’t go crazy. And you should have voted for Clinton.