Turning Jalopanese, the refreshing choice

It’s still basically the same, except everything is more expensive and the people are better looking. 

I didn’t watch the whole thing, but I definitely skipped to the end to see the good doggo. Will watch the rest later on the couch while my wife is watching tv. She loves when I do that. 

I’m an overlander in the same way my dad was, we just call it camping and it’s pretty simple. 

I wholeheartedly disapprove of all mean spirited and/or demeaning emails, you definitely don’t deserve any of that. But, I also strongly disagree with “Ladylopnik” and kindly request it never be used again. 

Bullitt has an iconic car chase, but it’s not a very good movie. Whenever I think I want to watch Bullitt, I just watch Ronin instead. 

Steve McQueen was badass in Le Mans, the Great Escape, et al, but I think I liked him best in the Thomas Crown Affair. That movie also has Faye Dunaway at her best. The remake with Brosnan and the horse face lady can go die behind the couch. 

Check out this guy over here, mansplaining how to roll down the window.

How did you connect the dots between: 

As a divorced, 40-something white guy, this should be right up my alley. But nah. NP I suppose, but not for me.

Those drivers really took it for granite that they could make that turn. 

Classic rock. 

I’ve never hurt my head cycling, but I’ve required noggin stitches due to: fell playing basketball, collision with the corner of a coffee table, slipped while on a boat, and fell off a counter. I should probably just wear a helmet 24/7.

I love it. I’m going to put little BBQ grills over the headlights on my Ram tonight. 

I absolutely adore the all-caps-except-where-it-really-should-be-caps style of writing. NP alldayeveryday.

I’m starting to think the $800 tool set I bought with my Ram may have been a ripoff. I’ve never even used the pipe wrench. 

If it truly does end all 370Zs then I love it.

I want to switch to a Giant-propelled vehicle, but there aren’t enough giants along the interstate for my road trips. And then I have to install a giant in my garage to move me to work every morning? Sounds like a giant pain in the ass.


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