
You said it all.. just right.

Who isn’t? <sigh>

Yes, to what you said about CW and shows getting a chance. I saw that Supergirl is not going to be on CW, and was like... uh-oh. I’m also so happy to see more (finally) kick-ass, strong female characters in movies and on TV (yeah, Buffy fan) and I am easily offended by the way women are portrayed in many shows. I

I agree with that. Like a lot of CW shows, geared to a younger audience, but also appeals to fans of Superman (me, a bit older, so less about High School relationships, more about the story).

Absolutely!! Well said.

Nice to know you have such a high regard for women. Female viewers are not all teenage girls drooling over “cute guys”.

Wait..I like cool cars and classic rock..have I been a guy all these years and just not noticed? I can’t speak for other female fans, but I watch because of the following: Writing/story - clever and witty, epic good vs evil, wonderful mythos. Cast and character development - just wonderful chemistry, 3-dimensional