Janos Sitar

apparently North America is only the US and Canada

Life is suffering is a central to Buddhism

There's been an uptick of slow-mo in animation in relation to the use of CGI to make animated features. Animating "slow" was really laborious in the cel animation days and it involved a lot more drawings to get the cadence right. That's a significant reason why Looney Tunes didn't use Cecil the Turtle very often even

The Co-Directors of Frozen talk about the "handoff of villainy" in this episode of The Q&A with Jeff Goldsmith and how it's something they started doing with Wreck-it-Ralph:

All I could imagine was Agent Sousa welling up to cry

so that's what a sincere apology looks like…

I found that the guests were ill prepared for the subject most of the time and the comedians would derail any conversation. I stopped watching because it either wasn't funny or informative enough. I'm probably not hip to the lingo but "keep it 100" feels like an adult's forced attempt to be hip. Hashbrown no filter.

You're right, Dock of the Bay didn't come out as an album until after his death. It was definitely an era of the single and then an LP would be produced to collect all of the songs with maybe a new track or two

It's hard to unhear The Stones the same way its hard to unhear Aretha Franklin's version of Respect

My first experience of Otis Redding was from Eddie Murphy's Delirious and I HAD to find out what he was talking about. My life as a teenager was forever changed when I got my copy of Dock of the Bay and he's been my favourite singer since. If I could time travel my first stop is an Otis Redding show so I can shake

I wish I could punch the person who thought it was a good idea to run one of those animated ads that covered the lower third of the screen over the May vs Bobbi fight. Hopefully this only happened in Canada and its making me rethink the whole watching live tv thing

He had a spike of lumber through his left shoulder

Yahoo one: Hey, we have this global distribution platform that people seem to like…
Yahoo two: Nah, lets go one country at a time because tv *shrugs*


Aside from explaining the Inhumans, doesn't the appearance of a Kree on earth also provide a backdoor for giving powers to Captain Marvel?

Whenever Joe or Barry say the word "hero" - drink

Not sure if this counts but the Marimba ringtone on the iphone. I'm still filled with a sense of dread whenever I hear it

I bent my wookie!

Agent Tripp had to get the bag of old Shield gear from his grandfather who was a Howling Commando. Oh, now I made myself sad. R.I.P. Tripp

The shot from the baby carriage with Woody Harrelson spilling burning hot coffee onto the baby still makes me laugh.