
yes, i believe the current party line is “planned parenthood enacts violence every day by being vicious baby murdering factories. violence begets violence, they brought it on themselves with their actions” FUHHHHH.

he’s probably donating 1% of t shirt sales to a spousal abuse prevention charity as a tax break and so he can use that as an example of “community outreach” in his next court appearance. POS.

spelling your coworker’s name wrong is a mistake. putting a tablespoon instead a teaspoon of salt into a recipe is a mistake. beating the shit out of someone isn’t a “mistake”

oh, liz, you bad, beautiful, bitch <3

I just cannot imagine. My dad raised me to be very careful with money because we never really had much of it. I would never admit to him I can’t look after myself ... Not sure which of us would be more disappointed.


I understand there is some grey area here, like why is it OK to kill a cow but not a dog. Which is a valid and complex problem to be addressed. And obviously it’s not as simple as arguing it’s ok to hurt one because it’s widely accepted as edible. BUT anyone who shoots or tortures or starves or otherwise purposefully

I’m Canadian and we have very poor animal rights laws. Oh, you tortured and starved a dog for months on end? Better give you a ban on owning an animal for 3 years. That should fix it. *raaaaaage*

I cannot understand why North America is so lax on animal offences. It is infuriating - especially when there is significant evidence that many murderers and sociopaths start out abusing animals.

they aren’t bad things at all. my point was just that those are far more ubiquitous in london than what most tourists assume london is like. you could pass 50 chicken shops before finding a place to have high tea and yet the stereotype lives on.

also available in australia. and australian nando’s is WAY better than UK nando’s. so keep that in mind for your next holiday ;)

100%. so many people love london and love to gush about it to me. and that’s fine for them. but having spent most of my life in canada, i can’t imagine why anyone would choose to live in an overpriced shoebox, barely surviving on their meagre pay, and generally being surrounded by a majority of people who are

It’s pretty crazy. My rent is £1100 and it’s actually quite a good deal for the size and location of my flat (I can walk to work!) But it just isn’t sustainable ... I could have a nice house and reasonable mortgage for the same cost at home. Ah well ... The price you pay to be on the pulse

Yeah. My 1 bedroom flat (that I rent) in a block of ex-council flats in a sort of seedy part of town is valued at over £400,000. Or roughly the price of a mansion in many American cities. Well!

Yes, it seems really common to move here and get lost in drinking every night and vacationing when your bank account allows it. And that’s about it. I head to Europe as often as I can but I also take advantage of all the stuff on my doorstep. I certainly don’t plan to live here forever and don’t really want to leave

it’s true, i don’t really like a lot of things about london ... but it would be nice if visitors realized there is more to the city than double decker buses and the queen. i find all that stuff insufferable. it’s the diversity of london that makes it interesting.

of course people living here love it. otherwise the population wouldn’t be 8+ million at all times. but my point is that tourists don’t often see the other side of london. many think it is all harrod’s and afternoon high tea and westminster abbey. if they really experienced an average day in london (i’m talking rush

visiting a place and living in a place are such vastly different experiences which is why i think people are so quick to romanticize ... you are already in a good mood because you’re there on a holiday and you don’t have to think about your ordinary life there as a result ... because there is nothing romantic about

i don’t mind manchester, but personally i like liverpool more. i live in london and ANYtime i mention thinking about moving all i hear is “it’s grim up north” like some fucking southern mantra that londoners are taught from birth. london is also pretty grim a lot of the time ... and expensive.

i completely agree with you on all points. i love paris, but i have only visited twice as a tourist. one of those visits my wandering was cut short because i ended up in the middle of a protest that was ended by military in full riot gear.