Urklegru 2: The Truffling

I’m calling Ellie out here. She’s literally saying that it is “scary” to give kids ADHD medication, which is irresponsible and ignorant.

YES. I love the upsides part you mention. I had to have a conversation with an ADHD student who was down on herself, and told me “ADHD means I’m stupid, doesn’t it?”

I have no sense of time either. Which is why I really have to put in some work to be on time for things.

The upsides of ADHD can be pretty damn amazing. One upside I have noticed is an increase in empathy, since people with ADHD don’t have the same control over emotions. And of course, the creativity. Now, actually completing a project is a whole other thing, but the ideas are almost infinite.

You do realize that ADHD is a real neurobiological developmental disorder, and that stimulant medication has been shown many times to be the most effective treatment? Sure, stimulants may be over-prescribed, and idiot college students will get high on whatever they can get their hands on, but whatever personal

I think it’s funny how people who don’t need medication to function normally are so eager to demonize it (not necessarily calling out Ellie here). Yes, the pharmaceutical industry is problematic as HELL but that’s more a result of combining capitalism with medicine than it is something inherent to the concept of

Yeah, agreed that controlled substances shouldn’t taste like candy. That is asking for trouble.

Dude. No. The autistic spectrum isn’t your fucking punchline.

The biologics have been a godsend for my Aunt. She’s in her 60s and moves better than she did when she was in her 30s. I hope you are as lucky as she was. It’s a terrible disease.

My mom was diagnosed with RA at 28. She's now 56 and it's truly dabilitating. She has double coverage and still spends over 2k a month for meds. I'm 28 and having some aches and pains typical of arthritis and I'm terrified to see a doctor about it.

...we are loath to deeply criticize women for being superficial, or “fake,” or subservient to an arrangement they chose for themselves—as is, of course, their right.

Ugh. Someone else wanna take this? I’ve had enough explaining the most basic bullshit to men for today.

Ugh. No advice, but I’ll burn one for you tonight. Hopefully you live in a state with legal or medical marijuana and can get the good stuff!

Bad is probably a little harsh...but AoU was a mess.

The way we’ve designed the system, it is becoming more and more impossible for men to be unseated. They’re pushing their religion (which places men at the top), their economics (which says kill or be killed), their science (which says women are crazy) and law (which devalues the lives of women). Men are individually

I have practiced for over 10 years and my state courts have undergone dramatic changes in that time. 10 years ago, opposing counsel and the judge were often very friendly and sometimes friends - I had to fight soooo hard for fair judgments. Now, with more women, African Americans and Hispanics on the bench, I can

Men are emotionally underdeveloped. Most psychoanalysts would blame this on the mother but in reality, it is the father that forces the boy(s) to repress their emotions. They are offered sadistic ways in which to express them and one day they become judges.

Satan vs. Santa? Give me a fucking break. The only person calling Clinton “satan” is you, over and over again sarcastically, in response to any criticism of her, no matter how concrete or valid. Can we not have adult conversations about the candidates?

Ryan White was a charming young straight boy who acquired the disease as the result of a transfusion — not one of those dirty, dirty gays who were struck down by their own nasty behavior. Reagan embraced the Ryan Whites, sure, but turned his back on the affected gay community.

Aww, thanks! We struggled less than most before switching paths and are now happily pursuing adoption, but everyone’s journey is different. Hope your friends find the family they dream of.