
So here’s my tiny pleasure: Every morning I pour myself a cup of hot cocoa powder, add in a splash of milk (or any other similar liquid, dairy or non), and I don’t stir it. I get to watch the beautiful clumpy, grainy pattern swim through my cocoa, and don’t need to worry about how many days in a row I’ve used that

Rosanne can fuck off, too.

Thank you. So sick of the lack of reflexivity here and the internalized sexism.

Thank you.

All the stars.

And she has to make a living - what is she supposed to do, work at McDonald’s?

As I recall, at the first women’s march people were mad she wasn’t there and wasn’t speaking out. It’s almost like women can’t ever do anything right.

And if she WERE silent the same purported liberals who attack her for speaking would complain that she’s not doing anything to help the resistance (I DID hear that in the ‘wandering through the woods’ days). She can’t win with some people.

So basically she should just be quiet and let Trump use her as a scarecrow whenever he needs to distract from his latest revealed crime...yes, if she totally sat down and shut up no one would ever speak her again, of course.

My god, you people are still doing this.

It’s not like she’s appearing at Democratic party gatherings, trying to campaign for Democratic candidates, or even giving interviews to the press. She’s doing a normal post loss speaking engagements, many of them private, but since she’s Hillary Clinton, people are making sure the things she’s saying get fed back to

I wish this site would admit their role in constantly perpetuating the sexist stereotypes against her and singing creepy gun nut bernie’s praises when he spouted some sexist and racist bullshit.

Like, Al Gore *did* go away pretty completely for a while. He had to come back with a whole movie and his global warming shtick.

She is still held responsible for Bill’s cheating and sexual harassment/assault allegations by the same people who praise Melania for her beauty and elegance.

She got almost three million more votes. And our election was jacked by a foreign power. Girlfriend has a much better reason for being pissed and a little bitter. Shit, I’m bitter and I wasn’t the ‘victim’ of a goddamn crime - she was. And now, we’re all suffering because of President Collusion and we’re on the brink

She was invited to speak, and then she was asked a question, which was pointing out the exact same attitude that you’re projecting, how does it feel to constantly be told you’re time is over, sit down and shut up. It’s gotta hurt, and she gave a poised answer, but no doubt it cut. She gave her life to the Democratic

I suspect I’m in the minority but this: “...it isn’t necessarily helpful at this very moment.” fucking irks the shit out of me. Like, what, she’s supposed to slink off back to the kitchen where she should’ve stayed to begin with, because that’s what’s HELPFUL for us right now? Fuck that.

Sonce she’s getting all this hate anyway, and since those people will never vote Dem, she might think what the heck, I’ll say what I want when I want.

I love her and I always will. I am so inspired by her strength and commitment to doing what’s right. But no- let’s elect a guy who was barebacking porn stars after his wife gave birth to his child. THAT guy seems to better for our country.