Janine Renard

He'd cook him specifically for a pairing with a nice claret.

"This is my design."

I rewatched season 1 over the summer; it really holds up well.

After Jamie's vow, anyone else catch that Murtagh is "getting too old for this"? Did the show just give us a Lethal Weapon shout-out?

Maybe beating up evil ninjas (okay, Harvey) was their outlet for their violent tendencies, and they only got out of control once the show was canceled?

…said Tina Belcher.

Poor Laura San Giacomo should've gotten a LOT more credit for that role (or any).

He may have; he may not have. Either way, he wins.

You haven't got a clue. You're so far behind him it's pathetic. He told me to tell you. He doesn't have to hide his plans from you. There's not a thing you can do to stop him. He's the most brilliant man on the face of the earth.

Just adding my voice to say "YES, I want more reviews!" Seriously, they're the reason I signed up here.

I like how this show presents him as a seemingly background character (his whole purpose in his earlier episodes are to hamper/complicate Elisa's interactions with the Gargoyles) and then takes him on his own story arc. One a lesser show, he'd stay a one-note sidekick who is never smart enough to figure out the truth.

He's like one of those guys who tells racist jokes, but then backtracks by saying "Hey! Some of my friends are Gargoyles."

Me either. I had a teen girl crush on Matt Bluestone, and learning that he was voiced by Biff just confused things all the more.

And he hated Murphy Brown!

Holy crap. I got the trade paperback at Emerald City Comic Con for about $20 (this was maybe 4 years ago?).

Considered it, but I'm not creative enough to keep it up.

Or the Power Rangers. Even 13 year-old me caught on that it was a dig at a lot of other 90s-era heroes.

To me, Jim Cummings as Dingo always sounded like a darker, more world-weary Monterrey Jack from Rescue Rangers.

My husband, upon a recent rewatch: He's under a spell for the rest of his life, so he's not really himself ever. It's the spell. That's dark.
Me: Well, first episode involved the MURDER of almost all of his friends and family. It's kind of a dark show.