Janine Renard

Nope, they don't offer DVDs of something that never existed.

Something that only occurred to me after some higher education: if they were frozen in 994, they'd speak Old English (or its non-union Scottish equivalent), which is waaaay different from Middle or Modern English (no French influence yet).

I bought them last year, the second I learned of their existence (they're cheaper if you get them from Disney rather than Amazon). They're pretty basic (no commentary/features), but at least they complete the season/series.

He wasn't a Trek regular, but I thought Paul "Darmok and Jalad" Winfield was good as author Jeffrey Robbins.

In theory, I was going rewatch the series along with these reviews, so everything would be fresh in my mind. In practice, I finished the first season by Thursday of last week.

According to the DVD commentary, the shading wasn't supposed to be so obvious.

Not even going to feign dignity here, I squealed when I saw Alexander Siddig. The cat did not appreciate it.

Remember Alf? He's backā€¦ in pixel form.

Along with being a spoiler, revealing such personal information would probably violate a certain custody agreement.

It's pretty barebones (no commentary, features, etc), but it's sure better than no Vol. 2 at all!

That's because he's the most brilliant man the face of the Earth.

I've been an AV Club lurker for YEARS and have made a Disqus account just to comment on the Gargoyles reviews. Are you all happy now? I hope the reviews continue through the second season!