
Can we bring back Photoshop of Horrors for this picture of Oprah? Because her head is about to roll right off.

Pastel hair is really popular right now, I think it's a bit of a stretch to say it's referential of 90s era Gwen.

I agree with you in principle, but tbh on the third day I’ll wear pretty much anything.

The Douche has a Masters in comparative literature. Bet this guy doesn't.

I did not wake up this morning thinking I would like Ariana Grande, yet here we are.

Good for her. I’ll just pretend that she was being interviewed by Crazy Ira and The Douche.

Are you asking a logical question of a woman who stuffed 14 cats in a suitcase...?

I just can’t believe that in this day and age some celebrities think that it’s acceptable to go out on Halloween in Doucheface.

spandex burger

Anna Kendrick, I worship you. Please do not do this thing. The first was amazing and the second was funny and okay, but the 3rd will be the death of your career and I LOVE YOU SO PLEASE STOP IT NOW.

Kanye was here

I just texted that fur hat to my boyfriend and told him to buy it for me so I can be twins with my cat. And I meant it.

She is wearing so much makeup in that photo it’s a wonder she doesn’t tip over and faceplant from the excess weight.

White people.

They were so, so close to not fucking this up, and then I got to the second to last paragraph.

The only way I could love you more right now is if you were standing in my office with a glass of red wine in one hand and a chocolate bar in the other.

*Reads article*

All these things and the comments are why I only run if I’m being chased by grizzly bears.

You know what? I liked Garden State and I kind of loved the soundtrack. You know what else I liked? (500) Days of Summer.

Harris Faulkner sounds like a Salinger character.