Thanks for noting that. It did seem that conception wasn’t the only issue; it was the ability to deliver a healthy, full-term baby. A woman had even tried to kidnap Hannah at the hospital after her own newborn died.
Thanks for noting that. It did seem that conception wasn’t the only issue; it was the ability to deliver a healthy, full-term baby. A woman had even tried to kidnap Hannah at the hospital after her own newborn died.
On # 4, I’m remembering that a lot of the fertility crisis in Season 1 was about babies being born stillborn or dying right after birth. I assume next episode is titled “Serena has a baby!” and I’m wondering if we’re going to get a dead baby in the storyline. That would suck but it would be consistent with Season 1.
Was this a good episode? Yes, it was. Did it make me loathe June even more? Of course! Did the writers get even more lost in the woods? Indubitably!
That has to be a recent development. If he can cross into Canada as he pleases now, he could have since a while.
Note 1: I’m a nerd at heart and I did find it romantic that two lovers of very different viewpoints and temperaments both showed their love for June by doing research and creating valuable documentation.
Note 2: You rarely see the top of June’s left ear. You might recall that the handmaids were tagged in the first…
there’s a scene at the end of the encounter when Nick put his ring back; if I remember his first “wife” was executed; so he probably has a new wife? maybe a kid? or even a handmaid? we know very much about him after season 2.
I have the feeling they’re freeing him to go wander loose in Canada and be a Trump figure to a growing wacko pro-Gilead movement there. I hope I am wrong.