I have that hat. Dad bought it for me at Kohls for Christmas 2 years ago. I have a thing for hats.
I have that hat. Dad bought it for me at Kohls for Christmas 2 years ago. I have a thing for hats.
Jesus Christ I’m so embarrassed by this whole thing. I am not looking good forward to explaining to my grandchildren in 30 years how all of this happened.
I say this as a really white guy:
You leave Napoleanne Bonaway alone.
Let’s go with this is a Gucci troll job. They put this...outfit...together and then convinced Conway is was FABULOUS and only she could pull it off perfectly.
She looks like a majorette, ready to twirl her baton at the head of Trump’s tremendous military parades
i hate her, i hate her rat face, and i believe she has the same cluelessness re: class vs wealth as her boss does. ive never understood the phrase “the clothes we wearing her” until this very minute
Hey now, that’s offensive!
Why did they have to drag Paddington into this? He didn’t do anything! . . .other than wear it better.
kill it with fire
Yes! Orange Bonzo just needs to release his inner Alanis - after all being left at the altar by the rest of America today should feel barely a pinch compared to the abandonment felt by, y’know, women, minorities, proponents of sane national and nuclear security - pick up your bridal train, dry those eyes and get into…
You gotta see what Kellyane Conweigh is wearing today. It looks like something from an 80's talent show with a 4th of July theme. Or maybe she got a tailor to make her an American Girl outfit.
Melania’s outfit looks like it was made from a Slanket/Snuggie :(
OMG stop it I’m dying. I so appreciate fellow Jezzie humor. Today feels so bleak, so its needed.
He’s gonna blame it on the rainy weather.
I can tell you my hate for Trump will still be strong
Suppose we threw an inauguration and nobody came?
I can see you