
Okay, so what’s the alternative? Sit there like bumps on a log and say nothing and let this crap go through completely unchallenged?

You’re in for a big suprise if you think Trump doesn’t believe in trickle down economics. While perhaps not a traditional hardcore supporter, his career is built on seeing a stream of revenue develop from a drop to a torrent and being downstream to soak up the profits.

I could never be a congressman. He wanted to swear at him so many times, but didn’t. I would’ve. A lot.

I definitely don’t think they’re wasting their breath. It needs to be said, and better it be said here than not at all.

And then the Dems can flush him down after them.

I hope he flushes them all down the drain.

- Mr Senator, you are aware of the cookie jar?

So you’re saying he can piss on Congress? Seems logical.

I’m not sure what you mean. I’m just saying Trump doesn’t strike me as a trickle-down conservative so no reason for him to support this. Trump is not as conservative on economic issues as other Republicans so he knows repealing the ACA will make a huge mess and the fact that the press won’t report on all the poor

You’ll get a star even though your whole response has a stream of consciousness vibe. It leaves me warm at first, then chilled.

I see what you did there, but not sure if intentional. It’s golden though.

of course not. the GOP has the votes. I imagine this is all 2018/2020 prep work. Get the receipts on tape for the attack ads.

I think Trump knows that his base doesn’t really want an end to the ACA so he’ll make a huge splash by vetoing the repeal. Trump has a golden opportunity here to stand up to Congress and he bladder take it.

For the first time since Trump has been elected, I feel optimistic about our chances in opposing him and the rest of the GOP. A lie can only get you so far. You can spread as much misinformation as you can about Obamacare (like, convincing people that it’s not the same as the ACA) but none of it will matter when

Bullies are the least able to handle being criticized.

The phrase that comes to mind is “shaken, not stirred.”

I can’t listen because work, but watching this even without the sound was glorious. Watching his smile fade and then the fidgeting spoke volumes. At one point it looked like he might cry. I look forward to being able to listen to the audio later today.

For me, watching Tom Price is the visual equivalent of shitting a broken shard of glass.

Elizabeth Warren also had a pretty testy exchange with Price over his conflicts of interest in which she had to be gaveled out for going over time.