ETA, never mind (in my best Emily Littella voice) Sorry for the double post, I am not very Kinja/tech savvy.
ETA, never mind (in my best Emily Littella voice) Sorry for the double post, I am not very Kinja/tech savvy.
Only if it's Jane Austen's Fight Club
Yes, and to further add to the absurdity of the shrubbery recommendation, my class was in Gainesville, FL, home of the University of Florida, one of the largest colleges in the US. The vast majority of the population in Gville are renters in apartments or condos. Most of the home-preparedness based recommendations…
In the class I took, back in the early 90's, the instructor added that we should plant pointy, thorny plants like giant aloe, cacti, barberry, yucca, etc., under all of our windows to deter would be criminals.
How could you forsake the Bay City Rollers?!!!
Agreed on all of the above, and hope that I didn't come across as unnecessarily confrontational or rude. We all come from and deal with different flavors of batshit, and adjust our coping tactics accordingly. Having my kids gave me the strength and motivation to finally disengage, so we can definitely relate to one…
You're absolutely correct about everyone's experience being different. What works for you in managing your particular relationship may not work for others. Simply stepping away from my parents and denying them the fuel to fire further batshittery has been tried many times and has failed miserably. I too will spare…
As someone whose parents were a narcissistic, abusive alcoholic and his chief enabler/cheerleader, I have to stand up for the bride. Unless you've endured a nightmare childhood at the hands of people who steal your voice, your agency, and your ability to express yourself with any confidence, you cannot begin to…
I understand that body dysmorphic disorder is a very, very real thing, and it is entirely possible that Gwyneth is affected by it. That said, I still feel a little stabby every time a thin person makes a statement like that.
Going to see Rush this summer in Seattle, so very, very excited! And yes, Rush fans are the best fans ever, and I say that as someone who is also a dedicated Gohead!
I am uber jealous! My folks were diehard Grand Old Opry type country music fans. Luckily for me, USA's Night Flight was around during my musical taste's formative years. Yessongs was in very heavy rotation on NF, as were videos by ELO, Rush, Moody Blues, and other prog rock groups. Also, Rush's Moving Pictures…
Oh Mindymoo, you are a fecking delight, seriously! It is rare to find someone who shares my weird musical taste. My husband summed it up pretty well, my musical tastes lean heavily towards planetarium laser-light show friendly artists.
So with you on most of the points you make, but there is still one offense I can't forgive Kanye for. Kanye actually said "I am a proud non-reader of books". I've done the due diligence to verify that he wasn't just being cheeky when he said that. He has provided a bit more background on that position http://www.reut…
I feel you so very, very much. My family is much the same. They are collectively responsible for a great deal of the Florida Man/Woman mythos, I shit you not.
Curly Wurly!!!
Every stinking Hershey's chocolate bar tastes like chocolate flavored Bonne Bell Lip Smackers to me. Which is great for lip balm, not so much for something one actually ingests on purpose. My one exception is Reese's cups. They are my moon and stars. How Hershey's can combine a chocolate flavored petroleum product…
Goddammit Reese's cups, I wish I could quit you!
I seriously do not watch any reality TV outside of Faceoff and HGTV stuff. Please explain who this Patti Stanger person is, and what does she have against Gingers and curly hair? As a curly-haired Ginger, who is also the proud mom of two magnificent curly-haired Ginger spawn, I am appalled at blatant Ginger-based…
I wore an ivory pair of Isotoners that we embellished with leftover lace from my gown. Super comfy!
The link defaults to the boring brown option, which are perfectly fine for office wear, but I have them in the FABULOUS shiny black faux croc. They work for just about every occasion.