
Just don't use Comic Sans.

Well analyzed.

Also… Webelos aren't 13. Fake news.

Big Bird is both on pay cable and public television. HBO fronts the production costs and gets the episodes first, they are then released to public television a few months later.

Lilo and Stitch, in my opinion, doesn't hit the visual highs of the 90's animation… but that movie has some seriously hard-core fans.


One of my favorite movies of all time.

That centaurette was named Sunflower, and she has been edited out of Fantasia since 1969. It was very cringe-worthy in the way that the Prissy scenes in Gone with the Wind are difficult. I find Dumbo difficult for similar reasons. And my kids about had a fit about Pleasure Island in Pinocchio- they could not believe

What is your favorite dramatic performance by a comedic actor?

This is exactly why I will always have a soft spot for this movie. It is hard to hate something that brought so much joy to someone you love (at almost-13, my son's cars are STILL in a drawer in his room even after multiple toy purges).

I do get sick of the Cars movies constantly getting bashed. They were so very beloved in our house. Cars was the first film my son saw in the theatre, and he went through an obsessive car collecting phase for about three years. I will always have a soft spot for the first movie, if only because Lightening McQueen

Which the opening sequence foreshadows. I know that movie isn't everyone's cup of tea.

Great analysis. My favorite opening scene that foreshadows the whole movie- Contact. The zoom out into space with the slowly diminishing sounds of Earth into silence, then light years farther… all to condense in the eye of a child.

A lot of late! What happened in the 90's and 00's that Lara Croft and Tank Girl are about it for female action characters?

It is a graphic novel, bringing the sum total I own to two. Sorry to have called it the wrong thing, but that wasn't really my point.

In the novel (spoiler alert), it does crash.

I bought and read the first book this weekend. It could be a good movie, and what's more, it is good to see movie studios actively seeking out strong female protagonists.
Look, my daughter is 10. We just got back from Disney World and we "met" about every princess there. But the absolute highlight of the trip for my

Buy N' Large

Does Stephen King not get any credit for this?

Alden Ehrenreich was charming in Hail Ceaser!