Jan Hus

That makes a lot of sense. More helpful than the other answer. Thanks for enlightening me, I know next to nothing about UFC.

This may be a dumb question, but is there any reason that UFC fighters don't wear the headgear that college and non-pro boxers wear? Seems like it would prevent some of this crazy shit.

We're not going to tell you because we don't want to have class today.

White people... amirite????

I think the tiger is going to beat Mrs. Peterson with a switch. Even the Bengals are in on domestic violence.

Can I join the pert club?

You completely missed the AMC Chucky marathon.


Hear that? That's the sound of a soccer ball being thrown over your head.

Love that song, and that whole album. Interesting how they used Liverpool chants even though Waters is an Arsenal fan. Anyways, Meddle and Atom Heart Mother are two great Floyd albums that don't get much love.

ignore me.

how is that not a thing yet?

These are good number opinions.

This Red Sox fan made it 10 seconds.

We are the worst fans in the world.

Lewis and Clark owned Sacagawea, not Jefferson. Get your slavery facts right, man.

shouldn't have mattered, since the Place is dead anyway, man

As long as he makes it to the start of September, his three months in Greece will be the longest of his three managerial tenures.