
We dint count.

Since the new film is supposed to take place in the same universe as the original movie, why would they need to consult anyone from Feig’s reboot?  It would be like the cast from the Andrew Garfield Spiderman movies getting pissed that no one contacted them in regards to the Tom Holland stuff.  They’re in two

the idea of Star Wars’ Poe Dameron and Finn being in love is something that never really would have caught on were it not for the way that Tumblr artists, writers, and fans rallied around the ship

How about you just stop eating greasy crumby things over your multi-thousand-dollar electronics?

I disagree, Heather. She was speaking on her personal Twitter, yes, but she was speaking about the kind of work she did in relation to a recent AMA that ArenaNet did on Reddit. She was, in fact, representing ANet by opening up that line of discussion on her own Twitter feed. If I started speaking about my place of

Should have stuck to the rivers and the lakes that they used to

No amount of “open-worldness” will ever be able to compete with a well- and DELIBERATELY-constructed, FOCUSED world in which a very specific series of events is designed to take place. To me, “open-worldness” always comes across as just a lazy cop-out to avoid having to do any real world building. BotW avoids this

But there’s still something a little surprising and funny to think that, in-universe or out of universe, Luke never gets to meet his mother.

I can and did. I made sure to get contact information from all of the friends or family I wanted to talk to before I deleted my account. It has forced me to text or call people that matter in my life. It has also forced me to keep better track of birthdays and anniversaries. Be honest with yourself, how many of your

“muh salsa class” is a dumb as fuck reason to justshrug after the giant mega-corp creates a laundry list of missteps and mishandling of consumer information over the course of a fucking decade

jesus christ people hold these companies accountable instead of blissfully looking away because of a fucking minuscule

Do you think you guys could quit making posts about quitting/not quitting Facebook, though? That may be an even greater challenge.

why don’t you be a big adult and mention the fact that not everyone in the class uses social media then

this is a poor article that speaks more about the author than anything else


If your reaction to all these stories as a Facebook user is to “keep using Facebook”, then you’ve earned the moniker “dumb fuck”.

“These ‘scars’ tell my history which include a dark time when I was in prison”

This is dumb and sad that anyone cares about this. Even worse is you exploiters are encouraging it and pretending it’s something to care about because your readers are simple so you can make your masters a profit.

Solo is an extremely fine Star Wars movie that just so happens to not have made nearly as much money as Disney initially expected it to. For some reason, everyone seems to think that this is a big deal. I regret to inform everyone that it is not.

Honestly more than any type of Star Wars fatigue or dissatisfied fans, I think the reason Solo didn’t do well is its subject matter.

"We get it: sow crates and battery hen cages are disgusting. But so is stripping a woman naked and likening her to an animal." PETA doesn't force women (or men- they use men too, you know) to participate. Let's clear that up, ok?