JD Angerhofer

All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small...

I did something similar once and am pretty proud of it. We were at a snow sledding park with my then 3 year old, standing alongside a sledding run watching older kids sled down the hill. A young boy, only a little older than her, started down the run. It was a pretty steep hill and the sledders picked up some good

I'd like to see more controlled tests with measurable results other than "feels faster". Also curious if it keeps your toes warm.

I would like to see this tested more properly than "It feels faster".
Like measure out 20 meters on the slope. Tape the batteries to the board, drop it from the top and time it a few times. Plug the batteries in to get the heat and repeat.
Very simple basic test. "It feels faster" might aswell be placebo IMO.

I don't

Is it even legal to hunt deer like that?

“It is a curious thing, the death of a loved one. We all know that our time in this world is limited, and that eventually all of us will end up underneath some sheet, never to wake up. And yet it is always a surprise when it happens to someone we know. It is like walking up the stairs to your bedroom in the dark, and


Someone once told me Java is to JavaScript as ham is to hamster.

MLB.tv and NHL and other sports networks are a different model (but still good!). They show games, but with heavy blackout restrictions and without including access to the vault or to other original programming (in most cases). This is in the same lineage but e v o l v e d.

Definitely a step in the right direction, although I'm hesitant to give WWE credit for innovation here. Nearly every other pro sport has already built their own streaming service, most notably MLB.tv and NHL Gamecenter. And with Hockey closest to my heart (and I'm not being paid to mention this), Gamecenter also has

A large wooden badger...

Ugh...I can still hear my Crew coach saying, "cold doesn't make you sick, germs do!" as they dropped us 5miles from campus to run back in 20-30 degree weather....

I heard a rumor that Jezebel.com is accepting "Bitchcoins". Unsubstantiated , so far. Back to your regular Gizmodo news.

Maybe they could have Browner dive at it's knees or have Sherman act all smarmy at it.

Beautifully-written and powerful article, Andrew.

So the Gov't, which recently confiscated millions in bitcoin from the silkroad bust, is watching their new-found wealth appreciate in value rapidly. You think they're going to voluntarily kneecap that? So they convert their BTC to dollars first, right? There's no buyer! The US Gov't may be the biggest hand in the

Dude. Do you have a science blog? 'Cause I will follow it faithfully.