Muslims are the original imperialists, colonizers and enslavers.
Muslims are the original imperialists, colonizers and enslavers.
I agree. But AV Club members adore Muhammad. They adore his raping and slavery. So you are preaching to the wrong crowd.
Mosques, synagoges and churches are monuments dedicated to a bunch of (racist, supremacist & privileged) slave keepers. Just read the so called holy books if you have any doubt.
"It was amazing."
Yes and yes.
I just saw it. I enjoyed it very much. But when the hype has gone, I think it will become a B+.
Hans Gruber is still the über European villain, though…
P.S.3: My account is open. Your account is private. I think this tells us something about our respective minds.
So Trump basically turned the USA into Mecca (Muslims being the unbelievers). It should be an eyeopener…
A+. But AV club has never enjoyed Sherlock. Too bad. Just don't pretend…
Huppert & Elle winning both prices was pretty audacious.
I like the red band trailer of The Neon Demon. The moment halfway when the dance music kicks in is very cool. It reminded me of the trailer of Basic Instinct.
"I think the movie is really amazing, and perhaps the most feminist film I've ever seen."
My peers can fight my speech any which way they want (within the realm of legality). As long as they don't use government money, I'm fine with it.
I love Clint. And he isn't wrong about the “pussy generation”. Rights should come with duties. Your right of freedom of speech should come with the duty to protect the freedom of speech of others (etc.).
You don't get to give grades to a Winding Refn film. You either hate it or you love it. Giving a B to The Neon Demon is an insult.
You are correct. The Neon Demon is already a classic film. It will grow in stature as the years progress. The fact that it didn't do well at the box office only proves that audiences aren't able to appreciate such a full on experience in sight & sound.
I would love to give you a reply in English. But the powers that Be won't let me.
Ugh. Intersectionalism, colourism, cissexism, orchestral fartism & masturbation.