
Smith and Brown? I would love, just once, if someone like this sold off all their scratched, broken, ugly shit and gave the money instead to either a community college or some sort of arts program for disadvantaged kids. Something a bit lower down the ladder, so to speak, where it would make a huge difference.

Eh, the only thing she had going for her was her youth, which is only important if you put a premium on that. Dumb as a box of rocks, it turns out.

I'll do you one better. One of the women my ex had an affair with was born the year I graduated high school.

Interesting. I have a number of younger female friends (I'm pushing 50) in their 20s and early 30s and I only became friends with them after I divorced. They're wonderful women, we bring a lot to each other's lives, are mutually supportive and rarely do I feel the age difference. But - and this is a big but - I have

Glad men feel that way as well. I'm a few years divorced, late 40s, and can't deal with the guys my age or older who don't have kids, mainly because they don't seem to understand that the kids are a huge part of my life, particularly since I'm more or less raising them singlehandedly. Also,, they don't understand that

Perhaps the 'Tom is Suri's daddy' charade is coming to an end?

Trying to figure out what contraception would protect you from STDs other than condoms. Oh, and shower sex sounds great but really, it's not all it's cracked up to be.

Clarkson is a known twat and they made the right decision. If the situation were the other way around it wouldn't have even been a question about firing the producer. I feel for the producer, btw, because he's taking a lot of heat simply because the overgrown entitled schoolboy Clarkson threw his toys out of the pram.

Well, as Lisa and Ken have speculated, perhaps he doesn't have those Vanderpump/Todd genes that would make him rise above busboy. I still cannot believe they went down that road. Really gross and put me off them forever.

It could be so the servers don't get screwed on taxes. Even if they don't receive a tip they still get taxed on their sales, meaning the IRS assumes they made a certain percentage in tips and expects them to claim accordingly.

The house, with the bloody name plastered on the wall, looks like a galleria. A big, soulless, glass galleria.

Yep, Lisa R's reaction was absurd. Smash a glass and lunge for the throat? Maybe she was playing for the cameras, maybe she was scared. Either way I found it bizarre that no one told her she was batshit after that display.

He contacted you to see if you were still hanging on. If you were anything but cold and business-like with him (or didn't just hang up the phone) he's getting a massive ego boost. 'Woohoo! I'm so awesome that even though I acted horribly she still cares!'

Absolutely. You also learn a lot about the other people in your life, because to be honest some people will bail, others you don't expect will step up to the plate and you start being a bit more selective in who you allow into your inner circle. It's a tough thing to go through but in the end, if you see it as a

Excellent! She can fuck up the next generation!

Yep, gas lighting will really fuck with your head and make you question your own reality. I lived with it for a long time without realising it and it took me quite awhile to get my shit together again.

Yes, I really should have been thinking of him. Poor sausage, he's been butthurt ever since.

So glad someone posted this genius. Love these videos. They perfectly satirise her ridiculousness. Plus, she loves her some Terry Richardson.

Well, it's only substantiated if one thinks I should not have told anyone that I discovered he'd been cheating on me for years. That seems to be his gripe: I 'ruined' his reputation.

Tell me she's not a marriage counsellor, although in some strange way that would be hilarious.