
The thing with the piece my ex is now with is that she KNOWS he was banging others while banging (and declaring one true love to) her. Yet she thinks it was all because I was a terrible, terrible, evil, unloving wife who 'drove' him to cheat and really, all he needed was to find his one true love (her) for all that

Perhaps it's not what you meant but this is what you said. I pointed it out because I'm bored with people saying that their poor choices are someone else's fault. I assume you didn't meant that way but that's how it came across.

Oh, sweetie, here is one giant hug and then another. I've been there and it is awful but I will tell you that although it will take longer than you expect you will survive and thrive. And you'll look back and realise you were saved from a life of misery. And whomever he's been banging has just started her own roller

AS soon as you're done with your exams kick his sorry ass out of your life and let the side piece see what it's like with him. I'll wager it won't be fun.

Isn't it amazing how many of us, particularly when this happens in a marriage, go read books about how we should improve OURSELVES? It's because, I think, we buy into the narrative that we someone have control over another person's actions and/or it's somehow our fault. It's not and I really hate that people still

Hate to break the news to you but no one caused you to cheat but you. Glad you've never done it sense. It's a horrible thing to betray another.

Family gatherings must be awesome with that family.

My best friend fucked my serial cheating ex husband and it really did suck, because she is the person I should have been able to lean on heavily. I really lost a lot when I discovered my ex was screwing anything with a pulse.

They manipulated you big time. By getting out in front and saying 'hope you can be mature' they played you, making you feel like you had to 'be mature' in order to not be seen as the bitter ex. Fuck that noise. Get away from toxic people.

What is it with cheating assholes who want to 'remain friends'? My 'friend' who fucked my ex thought I was a horrible person for ending our friendship. WTF

She needs a therapist. And her ex is a sociopath.

Same here. I sometimes get super super calm in really distressing situations. Shut down totally. Or I go ballistic. Still working on finding that middle ground.

It takes a lot longer to get over these kinds of betrayals than most people realise. It's just horrible to realise the someone you loved and trusted and were vulnerable to and supportive of shat on you.

Please tell me he's your ex-husband now. What a gross dude.

I always wonder about these women who marry guys they KNOW are cheaters. The one my ex ended up with is well aware that she wasn't the only game in town yet has seemingly now convinced herself that she is his one true love. It's pretty amazing.

I get the feeling the kid probably knew what was going on and instead of dealing with it (he was a kid - how would he know how to deal with it, right?) he acted out. One of my kids has a friend like this: the dad is a cheating dickhead, the mother is a drunk and this kid is one angry little asshole. I just feel sorry

I never understand the sending of junk. I still have pictures of several women who were sending pictures of them posing for my ex, including the one he's with now. He was receiving these on weekends whilst hanging with me and the kids, usually after Sunday lunch. Time stamps don't lie. Gross, eh?

I'm really sorry this happened to you but don't let a couple of bad experiences let you lose yourself - you're probably an amazing person and just got caught up with some bad eggs.

The 'friend' who fucked my husband could not believe I didn't want to be friends with her anymore. Even got pissy when I told her to fuck right off out of my life. I truly hate that bitch, particularly because she acted like I was the one with issues for being so furious that she would fuck my husband, then come to my

One of my closest friends fucked my husband. Then got pissy when I told her to fuck off out of my life. That was fun.