
You'd think that someone who grew up in a 'female household' would treat women better, but tbh, in my experience, men who grow up surrounded by women tend to get fawned all over and when they marry they expect the same kind of 'you're the greatest' treatment on the regular. When it doesn't happen their special

Yep, so young and so unable to keep his dick from wandering.

Does anyone remember when tipping went from around 15% to 20% and over? I missed when that shift occurred.

I used to wait tables and bartend. I always tips. If the service sucks it'll be low but enough to cover the taxes the server will have to pay. And I know that sometimes you're having a truly shit day and just can't slap on the happy face needed.

I often wonder about that. I can't imagine my ex carrying on so many affairs while still having me and the kids around. It sounds incredibly exhausting. And then when some of the affair partners were at our house (he fished very close to home at times), having dinner or attending parties? I would be stressing out

My ex slept with my friends. Made it easy to have them at parties and dinners, I suppose, and see if there was any action available. Quite shattering to find all this out and realise I had not only married a total asshole but that some of my so-called friends were assholes as well.

My ex slept with my friends. Made it easy to have them at parties and dinners, I suppose, and see if there was any action available. Quite shattering to find all this out.

The most bizarre part in the aftermath of finding out my ex husband was a big serial cheater was that most of his side pieces felt incredibly victimised by me being open about what happened. One of them was pretty upset I told her boyfriend she'd been banging my husband. I believe she used the words 'I'm really angry

I was young and dumb as well and if I had listened to my gut I would have stepped away early, particularly when I saw the dynamics in his family. But since I had dealt with my family's weirdness by my late teens - realising I loved them but could set boundaries about their sometimes overbearing ways - I figured he

Yeah, my ex in-laws have actually told my kids that me telling the truth to people about what he had been up to for God knows how long was so much worse than him fucking God knows how many people, including one of my closest friends (yes, I've rethought many people in my life since then). Why was it so much worse, in

Yeah, don't get paranoid but what I learned is to make sure actions line up with words. I think if I had been a bit more alert and not bought into his act so completely I might have twigged that he was living a double life a bit sooner. Then again, maybe not. And I don't want to go through my life being suspicious so

Tell me you are no longer with him.

Fuck me, you've got my major sympathy.

I don't get covering for family in this sort of situation. I mean, she wasn't a casual girlfriend, she was the dude's wife. If anything, the family helping to cover it up tells you exactly why he thought he could behave such an entitled way in the first place: he knew his family would support him in his shit

Wow. My mother in law also helped my ex with his final affair. Lied to my face about things and behind my back helped my ex sort out his new love life. It boggles the mind. What boggles even more is that this woman, to this day, tells the kids she 'can't understand why your mother refuses to speak to me. So sad all

It's not easy to leave someone you love, especially if you have kids. Don't beat yourself up - just be grateful you finally got out and that you know it wasn't you - it was most definitely him.

Narcissists and control. My ex hates me to this day for finding out he was a massive cheater and divorced him. He hated the second he realised I wasn't going to let him off the hook. The shark eyes appeared and he literally cannot look at me to this day. Not that I actually see him anymore, but the few times I've run

Classic cheater bullshit is to tell you you're crazy while insisting it's your fault their dick landed in someone else's vagina. And yeah, the woman who knew you were in the picture and still banged your boyfriend? Fuck her. Get some pride and self-respect (her, not you).

The manchild thing seems to be becoming a bigger and bigger problem. They're everywhere. I've met men in their 50s who are still doing the manchild thing and think it's cute. It's not cute. It's so off-putting I cannot begin to explain it. Grow the fuck up.

Believe me, I thought my ex was the nicest guy in the world. And so did every one else. When it turned out he'd been living a double life for YEARS it was a shock to the system like no other. People to this day have a hard tim reconciling what he did with who they thought he was. He was the proverbial 'nice guy'