
Good that it's all on the up-and-up. Does the wife also have her own boyfriends?

It would be interesting to hear your husband's take on all this.

How sure are you that his wife is aware of this monogamish situation? Is he telling you this or has she told you this? If she's told you and is fine then go for it. But if you're relying on his word I'd guess that it's not quite as it seems.

No one 'needs' to cheat. If she felt her needs weren't being met she could have had that honest open discussion with her husband before she started banging other guys - and married ones sneaking around on Ashley Madison, to boot. What happened to integrity and character and dealing with the tough things up front and

Spot fucking on. The most attractive people in the world get cheated on and the ones who are pudgy, dress badly, whatever don't. It has nothing to do with that and everything to do with the character of the cheater.

Seriously. After you've been vomited on ten times, washed the sheet fifteen times of said vomit, tried to make sure the other kids are alive and not battling it out with sabres, that some sort to food is ready and that the dog hasn't shit all over the house well, golly gee, maybe you're not that sexy minx he married

The whole point of Ashley Madison is to allow married people to have side pieces on the sly, so it's a pretty safe bet that the men she's fucking have unaware partners. She also indicates that they're not using protection, which is doubly gross, considering she has multiple partners.

Talkt to him, get therapy with him, leave him, know that sometimes things don't work out. Don't cheat on him, though - and maybe check that he isn't cheating on you. If the dude isn't having sex with you there may be a chance it's because he's having sex with someone else.

Indeed. It seems to have been a bit of 'Yep, this is what I'm doing and if you're not ok I'm outta here'. I'm sure it wasn't put that brutally but she wasn't straight with him from the start. She was only honest when he found out.

Well, it's kind of the Internet's business since this was posted on Jezebel and comments are open. Quite frankly, this woman sounds incredibly selfish and self-centred.

Or report him to the police?

Wait a sec ...you stayed with a man you caught with underage porn? And eleven year old girl? Did you not consider calling the cops and having his ass locked up? Your only thought was 'Whelp, time to get mine'? Wow. Your husband is a sicko. Porn is fine. Underage porn is not. In fact, it's criminal. Imagine what

I don't know, there are needs and then there are needs. If she needs to get off hit the sex shop and stock up. Find other ways of having sex. Make it work. Or get out.

I was going to write this originally but figured I'd get buried with comments telling me how judgemental I am. Well, I'm going to be judgemental and say you are absolutely spot on. And there's nothing wrong with being judgemental when you see or hear about someone behaving like an entitled asshole. That 'for better or

Yeah, I think he chose the route that made sure his life wasn't too fucked up. Can't imagine what his self-esteem is like these days.

Indeed. It's basically saying that while it's joke for them to be out dating they really aren't on board with their partner having the same option. Otherwise, they'd talk about it and let everyone go the dating while in a relationship route.

Ashley Madison is designed to allow people to be deceptive and oddly lots of people don't react well to deception.

I'm guessing she would not have told her husband if he hadn't found out. I'm also guessing that because of whatever medical condition he has (and maybe because he loves her) he's agreed to the situation without liking it all that much. It's all a bit shady.

Man, she really digs the whole nepotism thing. And why not? It's how she got her leg up in the industry.

Studies about infidelity are generally flawed because most people aren't honest about these things, even if anonymity is promised. People also aren't honest with themselves.