
Actually, most people cheat because they feel entitled to cheat. They think it's not a big deal. And perhaps if you're very young and in a relatively short relationship it isn't the end of the world. Throw in kids, a few decades of commitment and loads of sunk costs and it's a very different story. Oh, and the STDs.

Stepping out on a marriage without your partner knowing about it is incredibly disrespectful. You are most likely exposing your unknowing partner/spouse to disease, you are making unilateral decisions about their life, and you're pretty much saying that you feel that your needs are most important.

I'm not sure what to think. Sounds like he's not terribly keen on it but is accepting it, perhaps because whatever his illness is makes him think he can't get another woman? I'm obviously guessing but it seems he's going along with it but doesn't like it.

Shit, I just posted about my M&M thing and then saw yours. So glad I'm not alone.

I do this with M&Ms. I have a grouping and I have to eat them in such a way that the colours even out, so I end up with the same number colours, which I then eat in groupings of colour. It's odd.

I think plenty of people would have forgotten about the affair, etc., if she hadn't spent the last however many years talking about the affair, making music about the affair, bad-mouthing the ex-wife, stalking the ex-wife, using the kids to taunt the ex-wife, and blatantly displaying her crazy all over social media. I

To be fair, she has what would be considered a good voice. The problem is that she has no soul so it's pretty unmemorable. Throw in the batshit crazy, the serial cheating set of dimples she married, and here we are today.

Arrgh...arrgh...arrgh....the idea that the woman is mainly in charge of the household and the man is there to 'help out' makes my brain want to explode. and it reminds me of my ex, who seemed to think the few times a year he 'pitched in' were enough to cover the other 52 weeks of the year. Oh, and he considered

Yep. Follow through and you'll be fine on the parenting front. My kids know when I mean business and that I will not back down. I do on easy issues, where we can talk it out. But if they really fuck up? There are prices to pay and they pay 'em. This is why my kids aren't assholes (so far).

That can work but sometimes a bit of a shout is needed. I don't do it often but when I do it's incredibly effective. I save it for when I need to pull out the really big guns.

What I see is people threatening to take shit away but then not following through, because it will mean they have to interact with their kid instead of the kid staring at a screen or whatever.

I remember my parents hitting me once when I was growing up and I kind of deserved it. I spit in my father's face, threw a heavy ashtray at him and pretty much lost my shit. He slapped me to snap me out of it. Instead of hitting they talked to me, let me know the consequences of my actions and if I fucked up they

They're both good looking and do come across as fairly grounded, considering their billionaire father and millionaire mother, and what-a-aire stepfather. That said, I think Bella is the more interesting one, both looks wise and personality. They also both seem relatively bright.

When I went through my divorce I read a lot on divorce forums and it amazed me how many women were cheated on and left when they were struggling with cancer and are big health issues - and how many men justified this behaviour by bleating that their needs weren't being met or they weren't getting enough attention. It

Didn't Leto already do this for another role years ago?

Not a bloody thing. :)

I like that William has actually worked a 'real' job and continues to gain experience and really get stuck in. Unlike his Uncle the Pedo Lover, William seems to want to actually do something with his life other than skim as much cash off various dodgy biz types and governments as possible. I think Harry is the same

I respect that they do their duty but William just looks so damned embarrassed.

Cannot imagine that this guy enjoys one second of this nonsense. Tooling around on mini-bicycles inside, dressing up in cultural outfits that make him look like a doofus. No wonder he wants to fly ambulance copters. I can't imagine any of this is truly satisfying.

No, I find him completely off-putting. He just seems so pleased with himself and such a poser that I just can't get into it.