I hate Titanic and shout at the film every time to say 'pick a better movie, stepdad!'
I hate Titanic and shout at the film every time to say 'pick a better movie, stepdad!'
No she doesn't. She gives him a 'thank you for making me feel super special' kiss, then runs back inside.
I assumed he was gay. All that grooming and perfection. Then he sounded French and that explained a few things, particularly his underpants.
Yes, I assumed she was a migrant worker, in France for the season to make money as a housekeeper. He brought her to the ferry before heading back to England with his trunk full of garlic. I assume she went back to Portugal, where he eventually went to sweep her off her feet and drag her back to England with him.
They're fellow parents with kids at the same school. This leads me to think, knowing how these relationships work, that they've known each other for a few years via their kids, probably have done play dates and various other family-oriented functions. It's highly likely Emma was friends with the dead wife (prior to…
I kind of love The Rock. He seems to be a nice guy with a healthy sense of self-distance.
That's a tough situation and I'm not sure what I would do. I know from my perspective I had to drop people who continued to be friends with him, for several reasons. I didn't want to hear about him, number one. Secondly, he was spinning the story like mad and they were side eying me based on what he was telling them.…
Too true. I have a friend who is doing this right now. She left her husband for some guy, within a year there was trouble with the new guy because he didn't trust her, which shocked her. So they, in middle age, have been having drama-filled 'I love you but I don't know if we should be together' kind of relationship,…
Was he still living with her when you met? If so I would have stayed away from that situation for several reasons: one, exactly what you're dealing with now. You are being seen as the home wrecker, whether you truly are or not. Two, what he tells you about the relationship at home is what he want's you to believe.…
Lost a number of friends due to this very situation but I figured if they wanted to stay friends with someone whom they KNEW had fucked me over not just emotionally but also financially (he tried to leave me and our kids homeless-long story but yeah, he wanted to punish) then I wasn't interested. I also lost a few…
If BC had stayed with Kenneth B I doubt they'd still be on speaking terms. Easier to deal with the other woman when she's no longer fucking your former husband
And really, do these dudes not realise how stupid they look whilst they go through their midlife crisis, which is just another name for 'needing some new strange'? So boring, so dull, so ridiculous.
Ha! Get divorced and then tell me that the emotional fuckery that goes along with it doesn't end up, always, as a contest between winners and losers, even if one doesn't want it to be that way. Unless you're consciously uncoupling divorce boils down to war, especially if cheating is involved. And the funny bit is that…
Yep, run like a maniac. These types will gaslight, try to make you think you 'drove them to it', blah blah blah. Fuck that noise. They made a lot of choices before they actually fucked another person so leave it behind and go be fabulous. And fuck the friend noise. My ex, to this day, still likes to yammer on about…
Use your anger to propel you forward. You have every right to be angry that someone fucked with your life. Don't let it become the focus but absolutely do use it to remind you why this fuckhead is GONE.
I have kids and it did a total number on them. They love their dad but have zero respect for him, mainly because since I divorced him he has spent the last however many years defending cheating, even going so far as telling them that 'everyone cheats, so you might as well do it first'. His parents back him up on…
Even open relationships have rules but what I often see happen is that at least one of couple still gets off on breaking the rules and loves the secrecy that goes along with that. In my experience, cheating isn't so much about sex as it is about control.
Indeed it is, but I'm into the Christmas wine so am unable to work with hyphens until the wine flask is drained.
Ha! I make a strong case because I've seen it and experienced it personally. It sucks and I hope anyone going through it realises that they're better off without a cheater and deserve to be with someone who has enough respect for them to not fuck around - and if they feel the relationship has run its course also has…
They're often indecisive for a number of reasons: First, they 'need time' to 'figure out what they want', with no thought to the person they're in a relationship with and what they might want. It's unilateral. Second, they often need time to get their ducks in a row, which means stashing money, making sure they have a…