
I suggested doing something similar to my ex: get flats close to one another so it would be easy for the kids to go back and forth. His latest arm piece disliked that idea so much they moved more than an hour away, thus making sure the kids see him as little as possible. I would rather have had it easy for the kids

I always judge people who cheat. No reason to do that. Not happy/need fresh kibbles/want to fuck someone new? Go for it, but end your current relationship pronto. Don't be a cake eating ass and unilaterally make decisions about someone else's life while you have your side action. Grow up and treat people

Well, goes back to the old 'If they'll do it with you, they'll do it to you'. I just never understood why anyone would fuck Tim Burton. He looks like he needs a good wash. And an excellent oral hygienist, as I expect his breath is ripe as hell.

She has a history of cheating as well: Kenneth B, when he was married to Emma Thompson.

Agree. After those photos came out I was wondering how long before she ditched his ass. She may be a cheater herself but she also doesn't strike me as the type to put up with that kind of crap. Then I start wondering why people who cheat get upset when they're cheated on. And then I realise I will never understand.

Tim B totally gets custody. HBC only had him due to the connection.

Well, HBC was fucking Kenneth B, leading to the demise of that marriage.

I respectfully disagree. They came together via cheating and while the writer of the article doesn't want to talk about those photos of him snogging another woman the fact is that he was captured on film snogging another woman not all that long ago.

Right there with you. Give me some dairy and then clear the decks. It gets ugly.

Wondering how many time flight attendants fart per day, considering the number of times they fly. I fart like a mad person when flying. And the farts are not pretty. When I was flying a lot for work I was bloated all the time, to the point where the clothes that fit when I got on the plane were tight by the time I

I'm happy to transfer any self-hated I harbour onto this trick.

Christ, that picture is photoshopped to hell and back. And the song? Spare me, Madge. She's really lost the plot completely.

That was incredibly sweet.

Yeah, he was a bit out of his element until the end.

Yep, I figured he was the type to lie back, let her do all the work, and still somehow think he's the sexiest stud in town.

An old boyfriend used to say the same thing about baths. I've always had a soft spot for La Lohan but I think it's a bit less soft now, due to him being totally shifty and me now connecting her to his shiftiness.

He's Swedish. Be grateful he actually has emotions.

Lauer is such a derp face.

Agree. Wish this was much more regular.