
I've always spoken openly with my kids about sex. The result is that they've reached the point of 'We get it. Sex is natural, you recommend doing it with someone you at last like, don't use women. Shut up already.' We also laugh our asses off at sex scenes in films.

That's what I've heard as well. A friend ran into him in Vegas and said he was incredibly nice. But then when I hear him talk about the women he's worked with I get skeeved out. He's essentially a pig.

I used to know a guy named Mike Hunt as well. Are there really that many dumb parents out there?

I just saw pictures of Oprah with Ben Vereen taken today. Wonder when the big O will speak out. Or if she will.

Good point and it struck me as well. Abusers tend to get off on the power of the situation so when she showed her power he was enraged and chucked her out.

Aha, perhaps I mis-read.

Not at all. What strikes me is the number of kids with different women. Seems somewhat irresponsible to me.

Have you seen the doc with her and other supermodels of another era? Can't remember the name ... maybe 'Saving Face' She's hilarious in it. And she is nobody's fool.

Jerry is THE BALLS. Love her. She is just completely herself and gives absolute no fucks.


I'm stuck on the guy with kids by four women. Dude, get a grip.

Don't mess with a supermodel who survived the 70s. I'd love to have seen what Jerry Hall would have done to him. No way would she have stopped at motherfucker. That woman would have taken him down and damn the consequences.

Agreed - Janice has been a wildcard for a long time. What's disheartening is that so few people make the connection to why people become that way: their earlier experiences lead to self-destructive behaviour. People also tend to not take into account that people like Janice D are perfect victims: no one will believe

What is so disturbing is how many comments have immediately popped up across the internet saying 'Well, now I am starting to believe he is a serial rapist'. It takes a supermodel to convince them, apparently.

My ex used to fart all the time. I mean ALL THE TIME. Very casual about it, thought it ridiculous that people were so shy about their farts. With his new girlfriend he has a no-fart policy and yells at the kids if they fart. It's weird.

I*ve never had a flu shot in my life. Rarely get sick. My kids have never had a flu shot. They've had the flu maybe two times, tops. I don't actually know anyone who gets them.

So professional dancer has other professional dancers as groomsmen and those professional dancers put on a professional- looking dance routine. Colour me shocked.

Poorly decorated doesn't even begin to say how awful-looking that place is. The lampshades? The yellow/orange crockery, laid out as if a low-rent photo shoot is in the offing? The vase of dried shit in the bathroom? Shuddering.

I saw the headline and kept thinking 'how did Emma Roberts get so popular when she's irritating?'. I know having Julia as an aunt sure helped a lot but still don't get her at all.

I was raised by strict parents and yea, got much more secretive and rebellious. I have a friend who was raised by strict parents and when she was raped they told her it was her fault for being at a party.