
I read it as 'I would not tolerate this - if it happened I was not aware'.

I still laugh when hear him say 'scandalisers'. What an absolute tosspot Vereen is. And those teeth. Tone them the fuck down, please. I'm going blind over here.

21 fucking years. I think I started hate watching around season 5, gave up completely at about season 7, and now watch with my kids every so often so we can let off steam by screaming at the screen. They loathe Tyra as much as I do: with the heat of a thousand burning suns.

Plus, I seem to recall him as being sort of funny and relatively intelligent. What a waste.

And I remember a time when I thought Mustaine was kind of (whispers) hot. Talk about a cold splash of water when he lost the plot.

That truly is the gift that keeps on giving. So unbelievably inappropriate.

I still can't get over the Rimes performance, with its knock off Madonna outfit and general strip tease vibe. She was singing a children's song and those who pointed out that perhaps her act was inappropriate for the material were told they 'didn't understand history' because this was some sort of homage to Rita

Now playing

Dave Chappelle did a nice riff on this a few years ago.

I was just going to mention that. She had her entire hairline moved.

Come now, you didn't really mean to write this, did you?

Ok, to separate this guy from what he is saying, I am going to say that being WRONGFULLY accused of rape must be a fucking nightmare. You didn't do it, yet that accusation and the taint that it carries, will swirl around you forever. They are two completely different experiences but both are pretty awful.

How embarrassing. And shouty. I couldn't make it past 30 seconds.

I had both my kids in Europe. Barely stayed 24 hours, but had home visits after, which was good for everyone - and it's a way for them to possibly catch things that might be wrong in the home.

So the Tory plan to completely dismantle the NHS and put it in private hands continues apace. You don't say.

Oh, for Christ's sake. She mistyped something, handled it with a wink AND brought up the chatline aspect, and he threw back a cute reply. No harassment, no trying to pick her up. Sorry, but talk about making a mountain out of a molehill. This is a seriously dumb article with no basis for anything other than to feed

That lion looks smug, stoned, and photoshopped. And I wonder what it's like being on the cover of the magazine how many years in a row? Bloody Oprah.

Love Meryl. Love her boots. Hoping she didn't pick up a case of the Goop from being in the Goopster's home.

There is also grammar. And spelling.

Michael K's posts are, ahem, unique. And hilarious. He takes the mickey out of everyone.