
1990 seemed a bit off to me as well, mainly because I lived it. And ha! The colours! Remember that mania well. Seems I'm a winter, always dressed as a winter, and never knew how right I had it.

The one with the tiny tramp stamp made me laugh. Odd thing on a guy.

It's the smile that the guy friend in Bridget Jones does, when he says how good the food is. 'It's delicious'

A friend of mine, a few years ago, wore a fantastic vintage cocktail dress for her wedding. She bought it on the cheap online, took it to a tailor and had it fitted and let me just say, she was one of the most fabulous looking brides ever. Totally elegant and gorgeous and the dress rocked.

Why is female ejaculation banned? That just seems weird to include on that list, particularly when male ejaculation isn't banned. I need to ponder this.

I think his father disappeared early on and came crawling out of the woodwork when his kid got famous and moneyed-up. A douche, obviously.

She's had two kids and nipples tend to darken during pregnancy and often stay that way. As far as the photos themselves, she needs to put it away. Between the photoshopped-from-here-to-eternity and the same old same old open-mouthed 'I'm too sexy for this shoot' schtick she's been doing since time began, I'm beyond

Massive fan of his on Everybody Hates Chris. He as genius on that show. Actually, that whole show was genius.

I love Terry Crews. He will always be the dad on Everybody Hates Chris to me. He can do no wrong.

This is not the Soul Train of my youth.

Didn't the buy in Into the Wild do this at one point? Also, you must be in some sick shape after this journey.

I'm doing what I love and make so little money it's laughable. Hopefully one day it will all pay off. Most likely after my death. Hope my kids say good things about me to whomever decides to tell my story. :)

I'm one of those people who loves the original and thinks this is a pale comparison. Nothing tops three seasons of British mindfuckery.

Unless it's spelled with a ''k' and used in reference to the Kardashian Family. 'Cause those ladies are Klassy.

I think more time was spent on photoshopping that picture than producing that crap song.

They both get the blame, as she was very well aware that there was a wife and two kids. Hell, she acted in the same movie as the wife. Pretty gross behaviour on both their parts.

I don't know anyone who loves her, mainly because she comes across as a prize bitch.

She not only kissed the married father of two, she also got munched out by him.

What the fuck? Cornflakes? Potatoes au gratin are delicious. Why mess with them?

What with the comedian flight attendant on Southwest (who was, admittedly, absolutely hilarious) and now this I see more and more videos of flight attendants doing their schtick heading our way. I predict most of them will suck.