
Reading through the comments makes me realise that I NEVER should have married my ex husband.

Not sure about that. I'm not a big girl and one of my kids was a 10+ pounder.

Where is Chuck D? He's pretty busy on twitter but otherwise...?

Wouldn't surprise me at all. I know of a couple that were having a party and the husband was caught banging the wife's work mate in the bathroom. Not even kidding.

Totally agree. She oozes cool and enormous style.

Gov. Jay Nixon has just declared a 30-day State of Emergency.

I was about to say something very similar. If you know the person well it would be a big leap from 'my great friend Bob (or Bill, as it were)' to 'my friend Bob the Rapist'. This would be assuming you're not Mamma June the Ditch Pig who likes hanging out with pedos and other assorted bottom feeders.

Agreed. She generally looks uniquely fabulous. The jumpsuit is gorgeous.

I was thinking the same thing, on both points. Those gifts were a waste because obviously no one cared enough to check on her, even to get their gift.

This song is about her midriff, right?

The only reason I knew who she was was because a couple of guys I knew at the time thought she was incredibly hot, and one song kept being played on MTV, back when they played music.

He seems quite lucid in the NPR interview.

So despite having 'only looked at this stuff in passing' you're ready to call judgement as to whether the allegations are credible or not?

HuffPo has a piece on this and the responses are basically that he's being targeted because he's a wealthy, well-known man, the women are looking to make a quick buck, etc. Few seem to be taking into consideration that many of these women have not gone after him financially or legally. They're simply telling their

If you listen to the NPR interview he seems as lucid as anyone.

I don't know. Pretty girl with hot bod singing in a rather reedy, thin voice and wearing clothes designed by other people. Not getting it, particularly the bra thing. That was done for ages, before and after her.

In my neck of the woods this look is everywhere. I live in a major city, btw, and the men most likely to sport it work in advertising and are most likely to be art directors. It's especially beloved by middle aged creatives wanting to look younger. The female equivalent is the flannel shirt with skinny jeans,

'Plaid on plaid violence' - Ha! That is hilarious!

Why on earth is he still your partner? He cheated and wants to figure out why? I'll save you the therapy money: because he wanted to. End of.

Well, one of the reasons so many divorces are initiated by women is because they catch their husbands cheating and said cheater would prefer to eat cake than face consequences, so the woman ends up filing to get the ball rolling. I read something about this somewhere, to refute the whole idea that women bail on these