
Have you ever been subjected to tuna salad with oil? Vomit worthy.

Is Anna Wintour STILL WEARING THOSE SHOES? I'm starting to think they're orthopaedic or something and she had them specially made a million times over. Because otherwise they're not great looking and they're often not appropriate for the weather or the outfit.

I don't even get why she does it. She has a great figure. Seems she's going Kardashian with this krap.

'Fate' made him do it? Erm, no. It could be his sense of entitlement, the fact that he doesn't respect women (or probably people in general), that he is a predator … a whole host of reasons come to mind well before 'fate made him do it'.

Sure, we are all assholes at some point, either intentionally or unintentionally. With cheating it's an intentional thing because unless you're in an open relationship you know that each step you take towards falling on some strange is a step that will lead to enormous hurt - for your partner/spouse, for any kids

Indeed it is. Didn't catch that so can't really comment but yeah, a tad extreme.

There's a difference between unintentionally hurting people - and then owning and atoning - and knowingly fucking with someone's life. I'm not saying they're scum, I'm saying they're assholes. You don't agree. Not a problem. Different strokes, etc.

I haven't seen posts with people wishing AIDS. Obviously that's nuts, but the fear/danger of STDs from a cheating partner or spouse is very real.

Speak for yourself. I don't consider myself an asshole. And taking away the right to make life altering decisions based of full knowledge of what your life is is far and above other transgressions.

Cheating on someone means that person is not being allowed to make fully informed decisions about what is most likely the most important relationship in their life. In taking away their agency (and exposing them to physical, emotional and often financial harm) makes them a prize asshole.

I have, many times. But it seems to be a fairly recent things.

Burton was a serial cheater through all his relationships and marriages, including both marriages to Liz.

You make a very good point. New relationships are generally more fun, interesting and lack 'issues', mainly because you're in the honeymoon phase. Long term relationships have loads of ups and downs, for a variety of reasons, and quite often getting through the tough times gives a deeper, more meaningful relationship.

So how does this work? You couldn't possibly know right off the bat that this new person is 'perfect' so essentially you'd have to spend a fair bit of time 'dating' them (i.e. cheating on your current partner) to figure out if they really are 'perfect'. And then maybe you realise that sure, they're great but they're

Drop a dime and let the wife know she's married to a cheating loser. It's the biggest favour you could do her.

Agreed. Actions speak for a person. How one behaves and the choices they make, particularly ones we know are hurtful to others, say a lot about who they are.

I know someone who got an incurable STD from her cheating spouse. There are so many reasons cheating sucks but the physical danger is a very practical and scary one.

I had a friend who cheated on her husband not once but twice. I didn't know about the first time until she told me about her second affair and I was all 'how can you do this to X?'. So she said she'd done it before. And I told her exactly what I thought about her choices and we're no longer friends. Yep, I was judgey

She's fucking a married guy. She's fucked him for two years. It wasn't some 'whoops, we were drunk and made a mistake'. She is shitty.

You are making excuses. And fucking outside the marriage, when the spouse hasn't clue and therefore can't make fully informed decisions about their own fucking life because it is all secrets they are in on, is incredibly destructive. And there is absolutely no comparison between that and not dating a brunette or a