
I find dick pictures amusing, and understand why Playgirl didn't do well with the ladies.

I'm not much of a country fan but what I find amazing is the quality of the singing and musicianship, which really shines through during awards shows/live performances.

I was about to write something similar. Brixton is a racial melting pot with a strong black community. I'm quite curious about how this went down, to be honest, because I'm guessing number 2 on your list is the most likely.

Kirk Cameron looks like a guy I went to uni with. He screwed everything in sight, cheated on his girlfriend, then married an 'almost' virgin - and told everyone how proud he was to be only the second guy to 'get in there'. He honestly believed that he was 'supposed' to sow his wild oats and then marry someone as near

I see what you're saying. On the other hand I think that what is making me, at least, uncomfortable is the larger picture of behaviour over the course of years. Taken as a whole I don't know what to call it - boundary issues? Narcissism? The attitude displayed towards her sister comes across as 'off'. I guess it's

Well, considering Grace was one when the pebble incident took place I think we can rule out any feelings on that matter as she won't remember it actually happening. The rest? I say if Grace if fine with that's her business, but Lena put all this out there and now people are reacting. I have no idea what Grace's

Well, is it happened only once? is it Lena's word we're taking? And if a 17-year-old boy wanked 'only once' while his 10-year-old sister was beside him in bed - and he didn't touch her - would we be ok with that?

Considering these events took place before the sister (and after Denham) hit puberty one could argue there was grooming going on. Or it was considered normal. I'm just not sure a 17 year old masturbating next to a ten year old is ever going to be normal, for any reason, never mind the rest of the weird, controlling

The 'sorry you were offended' apology has arrived:

Well, she's squirted out an apology that apologises for 'triggering' people, for joking about predators, and that says her sis Grace is A-Ok with the whole thing.

I'll up that squirrel with this one.

Typo via son, 'That shit's fucked up … ' etc.

17-years-old is well aware of what they're doing and what is appropriate - and what isn't. I'm a mother of a nearly 17-year-old - trust me on this. Hell, trust him - I just asked him and his reaction was 'That shits fucked up and so is anyone who defends it'.

I could almost buy one pebble, but 6 or 7? I have a very hard time believing that one.

I have no similar stories and I grew up with five siblings, along with dozens of cousins with whom I spent enormous amounts of time. Am I lair. Or a fucking liar?

I'm not sure about that. If a famous man writing his memoirs wrote about jacking off at 17 while his 10-year-old sibling lay in bed next to him, asleep or not, would there be the same reaction some are giving here?

The writer nails it: narcissist extraordinaire.

I was thinking about that myself. I remember once putting a sliver of soap up my vag while in the bath and I was probably 7 or 8 - and I couldn't get it out for the life of me. It burned like a fucker, by the way, and my screams brought my mother, who had a long talk with me about putting shit up my hop ha.

I was about to write something similar. This isn't a one-off incident. Don't even get me started on her mother's reaction. I'll just say good ole Mum missed a grand opportunity to explain boundaries, that we have and deserve autonomy over our own bodies, and should respect other's, etc.

Agree a warning would have been helpful (kids don't actually leave rooms the second they are asked) but what concerns me more is her stroke (in the water).