
'Allow'? Not a cat owner, eh? :)

Riri is a beautiful woman with bad taste in clothes and worse taste in men. Her talents are debatable but her ability to use them to her best advantage is not.

I agree with what you're saying and get it completely. The problem is the reaction following the rape. They've now moved to victim blaming (too much to drink, ergo her fault, etc) and therein lies the problem.

Fuck this noise - Pimp Mama got her latest slore to pump up her lips. Anyone who says different is blind.

I must be old and out of touch because I'm drawing a blank about exactly who some of these people are.

I never saw him as a children's entertainer. Ostensibly he was but really, everyone I know who watched PeeWee's Playhouse was grow up. And usually stoned.

The 'kiddie porn' charges involved his extensive vintage erotica collection that contained postcards over 100 years old. The wanking took place in a porn theatre, which seems sort of appropriate.

If a parent puts chasing the new relationship ahead of the kids s/he is a loser, end of.

I remember hearing about this awhile back and wasn't all that surprised for some reason. Hell, even F. Scott allegedly lifted loads of material wholesale from Zelda's diaries and other writings.

Lady likes her makeup. Details at 11.

Well, there's my ex-husband sorted.

Whoops, forgot the nice guy veneer. Always in place until they're caught out. Then comes the cycle of rage, charm, self-pity, rage, charm, self-pity. They're so boringly predictable.

The classic abuser carp is always 'I'm hurting!', followed by 'And it's all your fault'.

Now playing

This is the one I was thinking of: Honey Boo Boo dancing on a bar for money.

Abusers and their enablers always think victims should just 'get over it'.

I liked The Artist is Present but some of Abramovic's older work leaves me curled up in a ball. It's pretty extreme.

I know far too many people who, the second one relationship ends, are on an immediate hunt for another. That's the most important driver in their lives and it's a bit sad. Sure, I'd love to meet someone at some point but is it my main priority? Not by a long shot. And I don't want my kids to think that being in a

Didn't the mother have the pageant kid dancing on a bar for money at some point? I seem to remember reading about this. Must go hunt it down.