
I've done the same. My kids are a bit older but I figured their father wasn't going to make them a priority in any way so someone had better do it. I made a choice to be a parent and that doesn't change just because our circumstances have. I love my kids enormously, and it's not such a massive sacrifice to make sure

There's nothing sanctimonious about saying that stalking someone to their home over a negative book review on a site dedicated to reviewing books is ten kinds of crazy. You're pulling suppositions about this reviewer out of your bum.

Well, I'll agree that the original House of Cards is superior. The rest? ZZzzzzzzz

Saying you don't like a book on a site dedicated to book reviews is malicious? And keeping your identity under wraps on the internet is fraudulent? Thanks goodness mum and dad named me Silly Me. That's Ms. Silly R. Me, by the way.

Erm, Hale would be the troll here. Blythe has been reviewing books, it would seem, for a number of years with no problems. She just had the misfortune to catch the eye of a sociopathic stalker.

I don't get how it's a fake review. She wrote about the book, not Hale, didn't like it, said it and that was that. Hale went Amy Dunne on her.

I have to agree with you. This Hale woman seems to be acting out all over the place. What I find amazing is that her hefty connections haven't called the men with nets so she might be 'invited' to seek help. That they are supporting her is enabling to an extreme.

The funny thing is that Hale (and you, apparently) has no idea what cat fishing is. And just because you 'feel' Blythe is 'typical internet scum' doesn't make it so. She's written somewhere around 300+ reviews, the vast majority 3 or 4 stars. She didn't like your mate's book (or yours?) and your mate went nuts, made

So are you saying that book reviews should only be positive so that the livelihood of the writer is protected? The review was not directed at Hale, it was about the book. Books, shockingly enough, are often reviewed. Kind of like books, films, theatre, painting…

Having fallen down this rabbit hole of fuckery there is nothing out there that points to Blythe harassing Hale on twitter, other than Hale saying she was harassed on twitter. I'm Team Hale No

I had the exact same reaction, although I agree that the whole thing is all about him, Him, HIMMMMM!

This was one review by an unimportant reviewer and if you actually go read what was written it was fair enough. The reviewer was not attacking Hale, she was giving her opinion of the book.

Sure, as a writer you have little security but that doesn't mean the a reviewer isn't allowed to give an honest opinion. Art is subjective, plumbing isn't.

Kathleen, good reviews, bad reviews, middling reviews - be happy someone is reviewing your work. In no way is any of that behaviour anything other than stalkerish.

And the name of her book? 'No One Else Can Have You'? Yep, Amy Elliot Dunne comes to mind.

Wait sec - Team Nobody? How about Team Non-Stalker? Hale seems certifiable to me. The movie stalking alone was nuts enough (and how in hell did she dodge those charges?), but this? Lots of people blog anonymously, or under assumed names. Not a biggie and certainly not evidence of the blogger/reviewer being up to

I've noticed that so many borderlines and sociopaths cultivate the 'nice guy' image and it's a cover, because when they're caught out so many will disbelieve any accusations because it doesn't gel with this image they've accepted about that person.

Pffft - I bottle fed one of my kids because the kid simply would not breastfeed. Two weeks of tears, frustration and a kid rapidly dropping weight was all I needed to make that decision. My dear old mum bottle fed five kids and while we certainly have our issues I think the lack of boobage has nothing to do with it.

Same here. Not sure why but never took to her, and always got the sense that her goal was fame, money, adulation. And that was it.

Interesting that the bookends on this shot are the ones who have had the most troubles.