Skin care tips from granny:
Skin care tips from granny:
I find I quite enjoy breezily written passages. Must be the girly girl in me.
Yep, it's real. And it's funny as hell.
LOVE Martha Stewart. Think she has the best hair I've seen on an older woman ever. Relaxed, sexy, appropriate.
Greta looks freaky as fuck these days, like she's about to melt.
Yeah, you can positively feel the crackling chemistry in that top picture. Heh.
They immediately transferred him to another location upon hearing he was sexually assaulting his underlings? I didn't realise BK was run by the Catholic Church.
What the hell did I just read? And why do we insist on insisting that the decision to have an abortion is a painful or difficult one?
I thought I was the only one. I seriously get weepy over any kind of performance. There's just something so wonderful about people putting their all into a performance-it completely moves me.
I just re-watched last weeks episode, when she got auffed, and wow, she really was a stroppy, snotty, self-entitled ass who was disrespectful as hell to a fellow designer. Don't care what sort of designer she is at the end of the day, she's just a spoiled little girl with a bad attitude and an over-inflated sense of…
Just looked at her decoy collection. The full black leather skirt was sold at H&M two years ago. And it wasn't any better than Char's or anyone else's.
Yep, it's Kini for the win as far as I'm concerned.
I read somewhere that many of her Native American-inspired designs actually were Southwestern, and people were getting annoyed by her constantly banging on about how her heritage impacted her work, yet she was co-opting an aesthetic from another part of the country. Must go look this up.
Methinks Karina has a very bad case of Special Snowflake Syndrome. Worked with enough of those types and would be happy to never do so again.
Methinks that was quite a few bad days she was having there.
I'm all for sisterhood but calling someone out for crap behaviour is absolutely ok, no matter whether they're sporting a vagina or a penis.
She's one of how many designers working under the exact same conditions? Quite frankly, she was an entitled judgy cow from the first episode, when she was basically talking smack about half the other designers compared to her.
I remember being a teen and thinking I needed deodorant for my vaj due to some stupid commercials that convinced me that my nether regions needed to smell like sunshine and wildflowers. That shit is BAD for you.
Don't know what you've been eating but a healthy diet means there won't be much clean up, if you know what I mean.
Yeah, what is this new thing I keep hearing? That you're supposed to use baby wipes or you're somehow unclean? So ridiculous, especially considering that baby wipes aren't good for your bits.