
Why does this surprise anyone? The most vocal anti-gay pundits get caught out with a rent boy on a seemingly regular basis. The 'good guy' of the neighbourhood turns out to have been sleeping with the underage babysitter. Those who shout the loudest are often the most shady.

This is what I'm reading: "In California, it's legal to secretly record conversations to gather evidence if the person is believed to have committed a violent felony. "

Apparently she did hand the tapes over to the police quite quickly. This came to light now because of the divorce papers, which are public. All sorts of fun stuff in those.

It is a dangerous road and I'm torn about the whole thing. I understand why his wife did this and I also understand that it's a slippery slope.

What I find amazing about the Farrow cover is the stories that are being trumpeted. Compared to the Kartrashian and Tory bullshit that usually litters their covers the old cover seems positively intellectual.

I've read several places that they were considered viable evidence under Cali law. Not sure about the specifics and the articles could be wrong so we'll see how it plays out.

Considering he's confessed on tape - should those tapes seem to be admissible - I am hoping he sees jail time. Either way, his life is fucked, as it should be.

That's what I'm meant: if your friend reported it as an adult then that's when the clock starts ticking.

Was going to ask the same thing.

Again, no idea what was going on in her mind but a lot of people with twist themselves into pretzels to explain away the inexplicable. She was married to this guy for 27 years so finding out something like this must have been a real mind fuck. There's also the fact that someone wrote her a letter 12 years ago saying

It's my understanding that she handed the tapes over to the police and they are the ones who dropped the ball.

I miss Television Without Pity. So many great hours at work wasted whilst reading about shows I never actually watched.

That's the weirdest part of the whole thing. He's just calmly talking about it, and doing so in this tone of voice that seems to say 'well, if I admit to it will you finally shut up about it?'. My guess is that he filed for divorce because she wasn't letting it go. Talk about irreconcilable differences (which was

I do not doubt for one second that more allegations are forthcoming, mainly because abusers tend to only admit to what people already know. The trickle truth will now begin.

I think it was more 15-20 years ago and apparently the statute of limitations begins when it is reported, which was 2012, so they can investigate this and go after him.

Bloody hell, dude's got issues.

Two things: my kids loved Pete & Pete, and as a result I watched a lot of it and it was pretty ok for what is was.

I love her response. Measured, to the point, and loaded with strength. What pisses me off is reading people on FB still bleating on with 'why didn't she make sure the picture couldn't be hacked'. Talk about victim blaming.

Even more interestingly, what led you down that path, as it doesn't sound like it was a family thing, just something you went for on your own. Or perhaps I'm wrong?

I was trying to remember the name of that - caught it on cable during a bout with the flu. He was a creepster in that one.