
We went full cheapo with our videographer — handed a camcorder to a good friend and told him to go wild. A full thirty minutes of it is a turtle in a pond, sitting on a rock, and dragonflies flitting around and our friend going, “ooooh, coooool.” (Apparently he got bored before the ceremony and just a bit after.) To

Hey there, crusaders. Katie is clearly cool with it.

Nah, fuck this. They had a chance to cancel this when it actually meant something, and they didn’t. The “special” is their way of testing the waters for a Jill/Jessa spinoff and of financially capitalizing on the continued interest in the Duggars and what happens to them. I can’t decide what’s worse—pretending like

I mean, no one is saying she's a hero for crashing into someone. It's not like the award is for Best Negligent Car Accident.

So wait... are you advocating researching and informing yourself before jumping to conclusions and working up outrage? That is just crazy alconleigh!

I thought it was hilarious. But then again, I love humor.

Doing something accidental and being responsible for it are not mutually exclusive. Caitlyn obviously didn’t crash the car on purpose but she is still responsible for what she did.

I think she murders them. She probably murders them, right?

Maybe she’s just raunchy?

I live for your question. The answer is yes. You are as unique as you've been told.

I work exclusively in MVA-personal injury law and am biting my fucking tongue at everyone who thinks Caitlyn should “have the book thrown at her” and “be thrown in jail.”

PLEASE save your fake outrage. Do you think her husband is going to anally rape her now? Or maybe they (like any normal people) will laugh about it. Common sense. Have it.

Oh, get in before the others: She's racist and a rapist. Go on. You'll get stars.

I sure hope Katie doesn’t mind being the butt of this joke!

I can’t wait for it to be explained to me not only why this is bad, but why she is worse than Hitler for doing it.

Gah, Jimmy. This is a funny story, but he acts like the drunk friend when you’re retelling a story that happened to you both. “And then the car-” “BWAHAHA, the CAR! Did you hear that, the CARRR!!!”

“Usually, these pranks are charming and harmless. Not so, this time.”

I kinda think that’s hilarious, tbh.

I find it difficult to understand how the culture we live in can honor a person who is responsible for taking a life and injuring several others

As far as Amber Heard goes... she broke the law. Australia has very strict animal import laws for a reason, and she not only ignored those, but lied and failed to declare the dogs. She can whine all she likes, but she shouldn’t be immune to the legal repercussions of her actions.