Well, yeah, but there’s an obvious difference.
Well, yeah, but there’s an obvious difference.
You think asking a coworker on a date = asking an employee if you can masturbate in front of her? Jesus Fucking Christ are you in a home for the socially impaired?
The willfully obtuse literalist schtick is really a pathetic old gag at this point, BTW.
This is so depressing that I wish I hadn’t read it.
Use this page to report so that you can comment on Twitter’s lack of action.
I went to the Tiffany website and I return with a warning:
I believe that you don’t care what us Internet folk think, but since you brought it up...
which are cool
Yes, it is possible to be a white person who works to fight racism. Let me Google that for you: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=How+can+whites+help+fight+racism+in+the+US%3F
How are any of the list items examples of people being good people or decent? And why is it “their” cause? If you care about human dignity, it’s your cause.
What is a Tragedy Queen and why is it gendered?
how Seagal allegedly threatened her hen she as 23 years old.
I’d love to see this guy try this same method at work. Laffed out of his career for sure.
Right. You’ve done something that destroys items you own and causes more work when you have to go buy replacements.
Hey if you don’t like the way he fails to learn the basics of the comment system while heavily commenting, do it yourself!
Why would you complain about taking care of your own home and kids?
Yet women are under represented in STEM fields that require attention to detail and somehow that’s genetic too. Weird how hundreds of thousands of years of evolution brought us to women being uniquely qualified for unpaid housework and men being uniquely qualified for high -paying jobs.
Well, it’s more like your comments make you a chest-thumping moron. But if you’re approaching shared household maintenance in an intimate relationship as “gets them the way I do it or she can do it herself” then that also shows that you suck at cooperative living.