If you really have to be told not to put an industrial strength adhesive in your hair you shouldn’t be left alone with a glass of water.
If you really have to be told not to put an industrial strength adhesive in your hair you shouldn’t be left alone with a glass of water.
She is dead and buried to me. Biel, Please cite one MD who will go on the record as EVER advising his patients not to get vaccinated.
The other thing wrong with this ad is that Gavin Rossdale is English, so the whole premise of Gwen saying she wants a guy from another country is kind of weird. Obviously whoever wrote this ad was going for the joke and didn’t expect us to think about it too hard.
Timberlake and Biel are anti vaxxers? They are dead to me.
Between the brazen slut shaming, obsession and profit off the Brittney split 15+years ago, the Janet Jackson bullshit, getting no scrutiny for his unvaccinated kids, and the blaccent....
Yah, I don’t agree with you. I think the way she was treated by the media an public was way more harsh because she was a woman. I also think there is something wrong with saying someone has limited rights because they make bad decisions. By that reasoning a lot more people should be under conservatorships. She was…
Timberlake is the most annoying celebrity of all. And his reputation is really, really bad. I wish we would cancel him once and for all.
YourPillow. Go full troll.
Maybe they'll understand if we start calling it "consequences culture"?
This just in: Fox has cancelled Lou Dobbs’ show.
Just want to note that Trump signed the bill to give that money to HBCUs In DECEMBER OF 2019, right as his ass was heading Into a re-election campaign and In need of black votes. Not In 2017, not In 2018... no, the ass-end of 2019. Now, do they need the money, sure. Do they deserve the money (considering all the…
Exactly. The reason men like this get away with shit for so long is they are not the ravening, unstoppable beast that society insists is the only “true” rapist. They don’t randomly assault every woman who happens across their eyeline. They pick, they groom, they have women who are (in their minds) the “good” ones in…
Hence her saying, “this was not what I experienced” and not, “he’s not capable of this”. I think what she didn’t say is just as telling as what she did.
I drink thunderously and with nigh unlimited enthusiasm and yet, somehow, I’ve never abruptly started belching forth racial slurs while in the throes of libation.
If she was all business and emotionless, she would have been branded as a ball busting, robotic man eater. Women can’t win.
If your defense is “It was a joke”, or you have to explain said joke, it wasn’t a joke.
A movie about a woman setting herself up as prey for rapists sees her as not hot enough to get raped?! :0
After I dropped 40 pounds, I had two longtime guy friends suddenly decide that they saw me in a Different Way. Did I want to date them? No, I did not because they lacked so much self-awareness. I also had an ex decide I was The One after all, and he swears it had nothing to do with my "dramatic transformation." (His…
Hope there has been enough of this sort of news to disabuse the commentariat of their consistently ageist assumptions.
How this woman transformed herself from cool rock chick to cheeseball TV personality is mind boggling.