Janet Snakehole37

What are her actual qualifications to do this? Being born rich into prominent family and becoming Lady Goebbels? One of the least educated, poorest and unhealthiest states are gonna eat that racism up like Velveeta.

I legit thought there would be a mass exodus after NBC took all their properties back to Peacock. How many times can one person rewatch The Office?

riiiiiiiighhttt...shoehorn every minority and marginalized group you ignored and/or demonized for entirety of the original run to gain woke points for suburban white feminists and their “its wine oclock somewhere” signs. Is SJP THIS fucking bored and outta work? 

“Be Best” by a woman who wore “I dont really care” jacket to a diet concentration camp for children. Fuckkkkkkkkkkk offfffffffffff to irrelevance forever, you worthless troglodyte.

I’d be a billionaire too if my mommy and daddy gave me MILLIONS to invest into a lip product that I falsely attributed to my surgically enhanced lips.

Mothership V palette set me back $125 and its the best thing I own. I dont know HOW she formulates those shimmers but its absolute witchcraft. Pat & Natasha Denona eyeshadows are the only brands worth splurging $ on.

More white women voted for him this election cycle. ( I mean, overall increase in voting among every group was up, but you get what I’m saying.)

If he’s out as Cyborg, this would be a good time to say something. What does he have to lose? I read like million articles on this issue and am still so confused on whats going on.

and for the most part, that’s what I’ve done. My parents are older, they’ve always had shitty politics, my sister and I have managed to break that cycle despite our upbringing, I accepted it and we don’t talk about it. My political energies are channeled elsewhere where I know I can make a difference.

Why are getting rude and personal with me? You dont know me like that. Telling me I stand for nothing? How dare you? I wrote that I’m a hypocrite because that’s what I am, first leftie progressive in my entire family and circle that hasn’t left the circle. It came off snarky to you because you already wrote me off. Im

MANGO UNCHAINED. Im wheezing. Thank you. 

Of course they booed. They dont want to make their voting base feel left out. Their careers depend on neonazis voting. Who else is left for them? Democrats should collect every single name and blast it in ads when elections come up again. 

I’m absolutely a hypocrite. I don’t have the strength to tell my own parents to fuck off and never speak to them again. Same goes for these 20-30 year long friendships that got politically exposed in the last year. I wish I can give you a simple answer to a complicated question.

“News articles from the past five years depicting the plight of the down-and-out Southerner with no recourse but Trump are bullshit. They’re enjoying this. It’s the day they’ve been waiting for.”

“I find it shameful that surrounding these tragic events there has been salacious gossip, unwarranted personal attacks, and false misleading accusations on me”

Way harsh Tavi. All Karli can do is try. I have MAGA parents and friends and there is no changing their mind. There is only coping for the sake of maintaining a semblance of a relationship. Is it selfish on my part? Of course it is, but I love my mom and dad. All I can do is break the family cycle and continue to

Go on Twitter and type in Jeffree Star. Im still collecting my jaw off the floor. Im sure its just a rumor, but my god. 

There is a rumor on Twitter that Kanye is hooking up with Jeffree Star and I haven’t slept all night because of it. 

Post long term age appropriate relationship rebound? 

ahh the head in sand method. classic. also, I like your line of argument. I’m gonna use it in the future :)