
I too fell in love him after watching 13 going on 30. Then he became the hulk and my love grew. I didnt think I could love him more then he did this.

Im with you.

Holy mother of glob a baby as punishment I don't even know what to say. face palm indeed.

My mom told me she had to get a c-section with one of my brothers because of meconium. Doctor was afraid he would inhale the fecal waste so she had to get a c-section. I dont know if he was "overdue" or not though. Its good to be informed about this I had never heard of thing before my mom told me. As if I wasn't

Really disappointed with those Naruto fireworks. Clearly Hinata did a better job,

I love me some Rachel Maddow but I don't think I'm brave enough to part with my hair(I also wouldn't look very good that kind of hair cut). I commend to you for your bravery/awesomeness cause I would have cried like a baby.

I feel you I too am 4'11. Shopping can be such a downer when nothing fits(for me everything's to big). 16yrs old your lucky people confuse me for a 12yrs old(22yrs old by the way) all the time. Its not the worst thing to look young but some times it just not fun.

I too have this problem all the time. Shopping for shoes can be discouraging.

Ha I hate needles yet I still got those 3 shots. I was actually very proud of myself when I got them. So needle phobia is no excuse.

Now playing

Ive been fallowing this on Rachel Maddow. I may not be from N.C. but this enrages mo so. It makes me happy to know people sand up and protest.

My version of the school dream is I get dropped off at my high school and I always forget something important. I forget my shoes or my backpack or books or something I really need to have and I'm also running late. Of course I only realize this after my ride is gone and there's nothing I can do anymore. I freak out

Ive had a few dreams where I'm pregnant but haven't a clue how(no boyfriend/husband or even a guy I would sleep with. single) and my family knows but they have no problem at all( I'm sure my dad would be enraged) which surprises/scares me. I freak out cause I cant do anything about it. I'm now stuck with a kid I'm

The only apocalyptic dream I have ever had was one where I was in a car with my mom, brother and someone else(don't remember who also mean we left behind two brothers and my dad) we were running away from something (a nuke maybe) as was everyone else when I look to my left and there's a explosion of white that's

Holy crap why did I click the link why why why. Ill be haunted by that forever. I have a huge fear of getting stuck somewhere and never getting out. Well I wont be sleeping tonight.

I watched first three season then stopped but regardless it is sad. i always find things like this sad. Agreed that hug is :)

If you a pick me up... did you mean If you need a pick me up.

went to search hug gif and there are so many Glee ones which is now sad (if you haven't heard one of their actors(Cory) died)Hugs are nice for a day like today(yesterday?)

Your story warns my a hart.

Your story warms my a heart.

I know how you feel.