
a guest count of 150 and a budget of $20K sounds reasonable. good luck to you.

I used to live behind a KFC. It was winter and I was sitting outside on my balcony having a smoke.

Hmmm, 55% of white people feel discriminated against, almost exactly the same percentage of white people who voted for Trump.

That trailer was so Black, it made wypipo say, “but what about Captain America?”


Your mental health comes before any familial allegiance. The fact her own grandchildren don’t warrant a reevaluation of her personal politics is enough for you not to concern yourself with her feelings.

This is going to sound like I am Stretch Armstrong-ing it up... Being called a ‘female’ is annoying. But being called a ‘female’ while non-Black women are being called ‘girls/gals’, ‘women’, ‘chicks’ or even ‘ladies’ (which is said by the same men, who will call me ‘female’) is pretty-fucking-infuriating.

The one thing I think can be learned from the Obama administration’s attempts at compromise and the present reign’s campaign to dismantle his legacy is don’t care what the right wing thinks, don’t reach out to them, don’t try to include them. Don’t let party politics get in the way of the big ideas that will actually

So in part they’re not going to vote for a Black woman because they think it will lose them White votes who were no way in hell going to vote Democrat anyway?

Trump won because a whole lot of Obama voters from all races didn’t vote for Clinton.

Hell, Trump did unusually well with black voters, getting roughly double the percentage of the electorate as Romney, and Hispanics.

“It’s been almost a year now since over 60 million of us decided, consciously and with agency, to elect Donald Trump President of the United States.”

I will happily accept my new minority status if you just keep your promise about kale.

I fux with ratchet Christians...I do.

I took it as a source of pride that I had never cried at an episode of this show, and then they hit me with Randall’s Daddy’s backstory. wooo.