I’ve been to this club. Adam invited me a few times. I personally never had any bad experiences with Adam, or the club, but it seemed a little overrated. Not surprised Middleditch doesn’t respect boundaries, though. Remember this?
I’ve been to this club. Adam invited me a few times. I personally never had any bad experiences with Adam, or the club, but it seemed a little overrated. Not surprised Middleditch doesn’t respect boundaries, though. Remember this?
FIrstly - the link issue is because Kinja is a piece of hot, steaming, sprinkle-laden shite.
thomas middleditch has been a pos for a while
I’m not surprised. Middleditch once bragged about how he pressured his now ex-wife into an open relationship and he once whined about #metoo.
Dr Phil can go DIAF. I'm very mad that Oprah turned him (and fucking Dr Oz) into a thing.
He’s an obvious piece of shit. I could see it as a dumb teenager back in the late 90s when Oprah started shilling for him. It baffles me that people couldn’t see through him.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he got his doctorate from a box of fucking froot loops.
Didn’t he get his Ph.D from like DeVry or a bartending school or something?
I remember when I was more active on Facebook and followed King there. He said that his council of advisors told him that Hillary Clinton was planning to have him killed. (I will always regret not screenshotting that.)
Black Lives Matter the organization versus Black Lives Matter the movement are two different things. I think Rice has an issue with the former and what can seem like an exploitation of black death to advance their personal agenda, fame, and profit.
Yeah, pretty firmly “fuck all grifters.”
I hate the fact that Samaria Rice had to do this but it was the right thing to do. This is a conversation that needs to be had. I know there’s been conversation about how white progressives gentrified BLM and damaged the movement but we can’t forget about people like Mallory and King. They do so much harm.
I can’t wait until his pasty ass is busted for tax evasion.
Get the fuck outta here with this bullshit.
“I wasn’t prepped” is as believable as “diabetes made me racist” ... which is to say, Not. At. All.
It’s interesting she keeps insisting of black people to “Educate me!” Apparently she’s not able to do her own homework. A cynical person might even think she has no interest in actually learning and only wants to portray herself as the aggrieved party in all this. But that can’t be it...right?
Here’s the thing: White people feel that if they are good of heart, not overtly discriminatory, and therefore “not racist” they can speak “honestly” about people of color (see Paula Deen). No, you can’t. I’m a white person. I DO NOT KNOW. My duty is to see, witness, speak out and most times just shut the fuck up…
Not being provided questions in advance, even if it is in violation of an understanding (implicit or explicit) that you will be provided them, is not cancel culture! It’s also not an excuse for you to say shitty things. You shouldn’t need to be “prepped” to not, for example, side with someone who accuses a person of…
Are you a racist shit bag? Do you support racist shit bags when they pull racist shit?