
And now Shaun King has put his grifting ass in the conversation, writing what very well may be the most patronizing, ridiculous piece I've ever read from him. And that's saying a lot. Goddamn how does this grifter still have so many followers???? Not linking to it bc I don't want give his ass more clicks.

She has a right to her opinion and she puts her activism where her mouth is. I have little opinion but I can't imagine how difficult it must be as a parent knowing that she will never have a feeling of "peace" or "justice". Just a lifetime of sleepless nights and dreams of what a better world would have given her. 

And Jez doesn’t profit off celebrity gossip, right.  

Exactly. It's not as though transition has any sort of obvious or definite end point. There's no teleology to it.

Right? This reminds me of the guy who wouldn’t teach his daughter how to use a can opener.

Not only is this ethically wrong, it’s dangerous, especially in a pandemic but even just from a general health and safety perspective. Any teacher doing this nonsense should be immediately fired. Their attitude toward children is clearly a problem, whether or not race had anything to do with it (let’s be frank, at the

Yeah this is about exerting power and control, not about teaching responsibility. There’s something to be said for making a kid use a map instead of GPS sometimes to navigate, or to do longhand calculations instead of a calculator to understand the logic, but all of these “interventions” your dad put you through were

This is horrifying. I am very squeamish (though it’s gotten much better as an adult through exposure to life’s grossness) and this would have caused me to break down. That poor baby, I hope he’s ok and they fire that rotten teacher. School should be a safe place, especially for a child that young.

Thank you.

The racist teachers that I used to work with in high-poverty schools (like the whole school got free lunch) used to like to justify their shitty treatment of kids by saying that the kids needed to learn that “life was hard.” these were children living in poverty who could not read or add. The only thing we didn’t

You deserved better.  Solidarity.

What da fuq? Does this school not have a janitor? Even if they didn’t have a janitor, then this is still a task that an adult carries out. Fucking outrageous stupidity, and assholery above and beyond. I have no words.

I even understood as a kid that many, many teachers become teachers even though they absolutely hate children. It’s insane.

B-but it builds character...

I’m really sorry your father abused you like that. 

As a former child myself, I’m astonished the shit adults inflict on children that we’d never do to another adult.

Goddammit ty.

Check out peripheral’s comment history. They have a transphobia problem

Just so you know, a person is trans if they identify as trans. You don’t have to have access to expensive medical care to be trans. You don’t have to pursue HRT or surgery to be trans.

Ames as a character is much more complex and empathetic even when he’s being a massive dumbass. But to answer your question, Ames hadn’t undergone full gender reassignment surgery. He is under the impression that the hormone therapy rendered him sterile (it generally does), and then only finds out otherwise when he