Remember Frank and his baby footprints all over everything? I hated him! I hope they bring him back along with Hildi!
Remember Frank and his baby footprints all over everything? I hated him! I hope they bring him back along with Hildi!
How about he and all of his fuckdick government friends go to Russia and never fucking come back? Sick of their shit.
I loved her special so much (Jen Kirkman), especially when she talked about peoples’ reactions to her traveling alone because I think it’s kind of rare to see real single lady stuff discussed in comedy. She is definitely one of my favorites.
Yeah like that guy who said something about once he goes black he won’t go back to Rachel?! WTF dude. Eliminate that guy immediately.
This was my first time watching the Bachelor in a long time and I don’t think I can watch again. After the Final Rose really made it clear how much they just fuck with people, like springing those new contestants on poor Rachel. The whole thing is pretty fucked up and Chris Harrison is the worst. I feel bad for ever…
Another year, another movie trailer with a slowed down cover song.
I had to testify in front of a grand jury and I was terrified but did feel pretty empowered. Thankfully I didn’t have to go to trial and face my attacker, but I would’ve gotten through it. The attorney will work with you and tell you what to expect, and I would also recommend getting in touch with a victim’s advocate…
Soooo, when can we start impeachment proceedings? What the fuck are we waiting for?
This is so great, but I wonder why they chose to announce this when I would’ve picked her to be the winner this season (although Nick is no prize). I really think Nick is going to pick Corrine. They deserve each other.
Thank you for this. And the plastic surgeon that did her nose job should lose their license. Damn.
According to Spicer’s wiki page, an incident in college (basically he was angry that students would no longer be able to smoke during exams) earned him the nickname of Sean Sphincter from the college press, so his hatred for the press goes back a long time.
It’s like a funeral, wedding, and baby announcement photo all rolled into one.
Seems like she probably feels insecure in her own sobriety and is just projecting it on poor Kim.
Yeah that won’t be necessary, thanks though!
Ugh yes, I especially hated in the article where one man was “rewarded” the next day by being able to go play tennis or some shit. Wow, you did the bare minimum for one day, you totally deserve to treat yourself! It’s not like your wife just had a totally exhausting day traveling and marching for human rights! Why…
I know right!?
The NYT did an article about how all the women in Montclair NJ went to the March and the men had to actually take care of their children for a day. One of the women they interviewed was like “um it was fine they are parents not babysitters.”
Can they just revive Jack and Karen instead?
Maybe the plot of that shitty show Designated Survivor will come true