
1. 5am lawn mowing? Hmm that’s a punishable offense especially if not the 1st time

RIGHT???!!! AND he has the nerve to wear earplugs. Boy if it’s too loud for your precious ears it is TOO LOUD for 5AM!

I’ve never seen it and will end my days without seeing it. Leo was just too much of a boy in those days for me to find him leading man material. Also, I know how it ends. BORING!

Both and too much botox Wrinkles give a face character and definition. I think after a certain age you NEED those lines between your eyebrows to give you gravitas.

Both and too much botox Wrinkles give a face character and definition. I think after a certain age you NEED those lines between your eyebrows to give you gravitas.

Uncanny valley for sure. Yeah is he trying to look like a lion???!!

I guarantee not one of the actors on the show had a hand in this decision, yet we’ll use them as the face of this story. OK!

I commented the same. We don’t think slave games are fun.  

Master and Slave? Ooo yeah guarantee there were ZERO black women in that cult. We don’t play that shit unless we are at the master.

You should suck more cock (not you, this is a my response to you should do anything remarks)

Good. I’m trying to be ugly so creeps (like you) will leave me alone.

If I had a dollar for every time I heard this I’d be a millionaire!

Dance for me and maybe I will.

Isn’t that how “Women aren’t funny” comes from? Does it really mean “Women do not find me funny.”?

Another reason I chose to not to have children. The mother gets blamed for everything.

The NFL can’t get any black performers for SuperBowl so they get the white guy who wants to be black. Are they gonna invite M&M too? Prince performed the Best Superbowl Halftime show ever IMHO followed by Michael Jackson. I hear that Bruno Mars show was pretty great too. I entertainers are tired of the disrespect, I

Can we PLEASE stop making these BELOW AVERAGE white boys famous? PLEASE!!!!

When she slaps the spoonful of ice cream out of the robots hand and it lands on the floor with a clank . . .that REALLY makes me want to buy ice cream. NOT!

All Jeans suck The inseam is hard as a rock and my lady parts say NO!

I’ve never seen Avatar OR Titanic. Different reasons for both but I think I’ll go on a Jame’s Cameron boycott forever now.