EVERYONE wore those shorts in the 80's.
EVERYONE wore those shorts in the 80's.
Clearly it is safer for a woman to drive drunk than to get a cab in Nova Scotia!
Thank you! Yes, the woooooooooorsst!
“Some women will be unable to go to baby showers for the rest of their lives.” LOL! This is not a risk, this is a benefit. Baby showers ar ethe wooooooorst.
“and their deeply awful clothes” Came here looking for pics of awful fashion, only got a video that didn’t load properly. DISAPPOINTED!
I don’t understand why the model needs to apologize. Isn’t she just doing her job? Do we really expect her to refuse to do the shoot and then have the magazine use another model who would have to apologize? It’s the magazine and the whoever came-up wit this “artistic vision” who need to apologize for putting the model…
Yeah what’s with the rain? Why is the inside of the car all wet? Lame!
OMG with the kids! Guys if you post “my children are my world” I read “I am just looking for someone to fuck when I am not with my kids.” And #5 is sooo true. . .ask for the date as soon as you’ve established some commonalities. And it’s not really a date, it’s a 1 hour meeting to see if there is anything there.
Don’t tell me you are looking for a “partner in crime” UGH! SO MANY GUYS DO THIS. I don’t want to commit crimes and this cliche is as bad as woman calling herself “sassy”
Personally, I hate getting flowers because it means I have to carry them around during the date. If you pick me up at my door, flowers are cool, I’ll put them in the fridge and think of you fondly the next day if our date went well. If that person selling flowers comes around while we are on a date I will look you in…
Yeah I don’t even call it a date. I just say “looking forward to meeting you” and limit the meeting to an hour.
“I am an honest man” “I am a god-fearing man” both of these phrases are used exclusively by love scammers. Also be wary of anyone who says they are in the military or use a picture of themselves in military uniforms their one and only photo, these are usually scammers as well. I actually had some guy think I would…
LOL, NO FISH, that’s as bad as the golf swing pic! And I just remembered another one . . . look I was at a conference and this pretty girl posed with me for a picture look at our lanyards!
OMG! Yes! Posing with a fish is a common thing! Here’s the sequence: a picture of a guy with his fish, then skiing, then on the golf course then with some kid then with a boothbabe at some conference. Swipe left.
Do not post pictures of yourself as a child as one of your profile pics. I do not care what you looked like that long ago and I usually assume it is a picture of your kid and I’m not into hanging out with kids.
Hmmm, I’d prefer you have all selfies rather than pics with other people. The pics with other people usually confuse me. The group shots are useless except maybe for gauging height. Dudes hardly ever caption their photos, maybe sometimes they will put the year it was taken and if their is a picture with a kid they…
LOL, but lying pricks are the only ones who write to me and actually ask for that coffee date while the regular guys write “Hey” expect a full blown convo from that one bit of contact and are only going out with me until they find that elusive “down to earth / girl next door” thin blond with no kids and a constant…
This sounds like something Kim Jong-il would do. Americans don’t do stupid shit like this!!!!