Got it! Yes, this kind of reasoning never made sense to me anyway. <—-I’ve been on the receiving end of the “Let’s fuck OH No? You’re a fat bitch anyways” tirade more than once.
Got it! Yes, this kind of reasoning never made sense to me anyway. <—-I’ve been on the receiving end of the “Let’s fuck OH No? You’re a fat bitch anyways” tirade more than once.
What does this tweet even mean???!!!!
Is this what he does with all his dead pets?
Ee ghads! His Mom looks like a child bride!
Wow! Terrifying!
GACK! I am so sorry! This is horrible. Make you distrust cops doesn’t it? Protect and serve who?
I have a boyfriend or I am a lesbian are my go tos . .but this asshole would see these both as a challenge I am sure.
Yep, more victims that probably had outstanding warrants that he overlooked for a hummer or a date-rape.
UH the women were probably white? That’s just a guess.
Why the FUCK does he get any bail when he held a woman and child captive? And WHAT THE FUCK is sodomy without consent? How about just plain old RAPE? Hiuh????
It’s pics like this that are just killing me. Obvious botox, fillers and hair plugs AMIRITE???
Eye Hate you is a damn good song. I always wondered who it was written about and the circumstances around it. Thank you!
Are we EVER gonna talk about Tom’s face and how drastically it has changed or do we not do that any more?
Hmm you mention the font of “of the” but nothing about the “Divided States of America”?
Nope. That parade down 5th avenue idea makes me want to start making a bunch of tomatoes rotten just so I can hurl them.
The “ruralfication” of cable news is what brought us the Trump Presidency! Ugh. I don’t own a TV ( I know I know people hate when you say that I watch TV just on my laptop ) but recently joined the gym and was frankly astounded at how many hicks are on TV and see that it is normalizing and glorifying the Hee-Haw…
Depends on your body confidence I guess. She looks great but looks like her vulva is about to slip out of that tiny thing.
I have yet to meet a woman who seeks fame via rape.
But is it an email? Because as I understand it it is only unsecured if it is sent from an email server that is owned by a woman. /s
Yes, why? Please explain.